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Chinese Social Media Site Blocks Petition Backing Woman Accusing Tech Billionaire Of Rape

latest news on social networking sitesLet's not make this a case of guilty before proven guilty. Both of them have contradicting accounts on what happened. Jingyao Liu claimed that in August Richard Liu, 46, groped her in a vehicle and then raped her in her room. At the time, Richard Liu was attending a University of Minnesota programme for Chinese executives. Prosecutors declined to bring criminal charges in December. Richard Liu’s defence lawyers said that what happened in the room was consensual. Women’s rights advocates have fought a war of public opinion online as Jingyao Liu and the billionaire offered conflicting accounts of what happened on the night of their encounter. A flood of online comments questioned her credibility and integrity after surveillance video clips were posted online showing the woman and Richard Liu walking arm-in-arm to her flat. In an interview with Chinese news outlet Caixin last week, the 22-year-old said she was afraid to annoy the man on the way to her flat. She said she thought he was sending her home. Who the fk Am I kidding. It's reddit. The guy is already guilty and there will be a comment on how the whole of China and Chinese culture is toxic and patriarchal with 4000 upvotes.

Up They Pop-Up In Ones Screen: Pop!

best social media news sitesAs camera technology in computing and mobile devices has advanced along with image processing algorithms, developers have been able to capture and analyse details about human-machine interactions on an unprecedented level. Leading the charge are technologies that track eye moments and facial expressions to offer deeper insight into perceptions and behaviour. Bo Mattsson is the chief executive of Cint, a global provider of 'market research tools for' creating online panels and obtaining market insight from 'survey respondents' via its OpinionHUB global exchange platform. Bo founded Cint in 1998 when he decided to apply his experience of trading online to the market research industry. He then took over as CEO in 2003 to revamp the core technology behind the market research tools into an exchange-based offering for transparent respondent access. Up They Pop-Up In Ones Screen: Pop! The Commerial As An Irritant And A Thing To Avoid.. Streaming data flows on all avaiable and merging/emerging technology.

Nowadays, we have at our disposal blogs, online marketing, and All Social networks.

newspaper articles on social mediaA Jazz or Funk. Televisions, phones, tablets, computers and other such mediums oc media human communications. The have deveoped Apps and technonologies in mobile phones, cinemas, global manufacturing economies, launching of films and new filmmakers, and i this way enables the new technologies to be interconnected and by extension, merge and submerge with one another. As media changes now it seems, like everyday, so do our own comportment in our ives change. As the machine become equipped with upgradable techniques, so do we upgrade uour percpetions and perspectives. Public Relations has a lot to do with that. Nowadays, we have at our disposal blogs, online marketing, and All Social networks. English, reach millions in very remote paarts of the earth Book are being translated into various languages at the point where they are printed for circulation and sales. The stream is touching up on many people and organizations. So, all these groups, peoples and entities turn to the Web in search of informationm data and anything that needs to be dealt with or addressed or researched.

Incredible article, well researched, the best I read in years.

PR honchos on the Web were working assudiously very hard not only to attract attention only, but to build relationhsips with ordinary consumers. Old style advertisements were designed to make the viewer to stop doing whatever they indtended and watch the commercial. People, owdays of the Web impreganted communications systems, no longer depend on the "Media" companies to do certain things for them. The new ways that are clogging the advertisersing spaces on the Wb, have given the user many oons that this has conditioned the users in many unexpected ways for Old-style advertisers. Networking TechnologiesArris TM822G: Is this modem with phone functions good enough for you? SmartphonesWhat Is The Difference Between Android And BlackBerry? Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. Florenz: Thank you for the very encouraging and positive comment above regarding this Hub. I hope, if time allows, upgrade it as the times have changed and technological techniques have changed too. Incredible article, well researched, the best I read in years. Amazing work, I will expand on it. TechReviwer: Thank you for the comments and accolades. I appreciate your offer and will consider it. I hope you get time to visit some of my Hubs on Hightech in various forms published here on HubPages. Thanks to you, too. Great article and really nicely written as well.

Social Marketing Platform

top social media sites in the worldSocial Media' - a buzz word that is all the rage at the moment. But what is it exactly ? Facebook and Twitter ? In this article we will have a look at the many diverse and sometimes surprising areas that social media could be said to touch upon. So what is Social Media ? Ironically, you could probably find a thousand definitions of social media within the many forms of social media that exist ! This broad definition covers a wide range of tools available today, and perhaps captures the essence of what social media is about. Looking at it this way, we can highlight different ‘areas’ of Social Media. These rich, diverse, and often overlapping areas are described below with some notable examples to give a flavour of each. Communication tools are some of the most well known social media tools. They include Blogs such as WordPress and Blogger, websites where you can create articles (typically of news article style length) which visitors can comment on.

social media 101They also include Social Networks such as Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn where people can share comments, personal details, media such as photos and video, or establish relationships with other users (e.g. 'Friends' on Facebook, Popular Social Sites Apps 2017 or 'Followers' on Twitter). We can also include crowdfunding sites such as Kickstarter or Zopa which facilitate funding for a business or individual. These sites list the details of various projects/investment options and facilitate typically small payments from many individuals which collectively aim to fulfill the total amount required. There are tools that many of us use on a daily basis that have a 'social' aspect to them. For example Wikipedia is a collaborative tool which enables many people to simultaneously update and view an online encyclopedia. While review & opinion sites may seem similar to communication and blog sites, there is perhaps a subtle but key difference between the two. Whereas Blog sites may be written by individuals or organisations and may or may not well be well regarded - there are some sites that specialise in being authoritative and well regarded 'good sources' for information and knowledge.

Best New Media Sites

Quora and Yahoo Answers are examples of sites that specialise in allowing open-ended questions to be posed and responded to by other users in the community. These are tools that are perhaps less well known publicly, but are are increasingly known about in particular by public facing companies and consumer brands. Brand monitoring tools enable you to read and summarize what is being said on the web and social media about particular brands, people, and products against defined keywords. Brands can respond to, but also analyse trends, campaigns and competitors. Gaming is certainly not something that started off social, with its origins in self-contained console games and handheld devices. Some of the most well known video sharing sites include Youtube and Vimeo, where users can upload and view videos, while being able to add comments, create channels, and connect with different users. Examples of music sharing tools include Spotify, and LastFm which are adding increasing features to allow people to share playlists and musical tastes. As well as Youtube, Soundcloud is particularly popular among music professionals, allowing them to listen to, upload and download music tracks for free.

Well known sites that offer photo sharing services with social features include Flickr and Picasa. Pinterest is an example of a 'social bookmarking' site that allows you to share interesting photos, events, and sites that you have found on the web with other people. When this article was first written (in 2012) it would have been almost impossible to predict the future impact of social media on political activity (if any!). In 2018, we know differently. It would be fair to say that increasingly (especially in the west) the traditional media tends to follow the news agenda set by activity on social media, rather than the other way around! An astonishing development in the history of politics and news. The increasing wealth and breadth of information posted on social media has provided a gold-mine of rich personal data of millions of people. Social media touches on many diverse areas, from Blogs and Crowdfunding sites, to collaboration, brand monitoring, politics, news and AI. As new tools continue to be developed across an increasing number of sectors, we can expect to see more use of social media features and capabilities. However Social Media develops, its important to stay informed, upto date and active within the areas relevant to you - to be able to take advantage of the potential benefits to you're business or organisation. Pranath is our back-end developer who knows the deepest, darkest secrets of our CMS of choice - Typo3. In his free time he likes to balance the mind and body doing plenty of hot yoga, freediving, SUP, or balancing on his new slackline in front of the old west pier. Do you have any hints for aspiring writers? I'm planning to start my own site soon but I'm a little lost on everything. Would you propose starting with a free platform like Wordpress or go for a paid option? There are so many options out there that I'm totally overwhelmed ..

Which social media site is best for business?

We manage social media sites for business and organizations every day and it can be incredibly tiring to keep pace with the differences and specialties of each network. Social media can be an excellent way to experiment with your brand, but eventually you'll want to settle into utilizing social media as a tool in your business marketing arsenal. Ultimately, you'll need to focus your efforts on a small number of social media sites tailored to your industry and talents. Which social media site is best for business? There are countless social media sites and platforms available that you could use to market your local or small business. Deciding which platform to deserves most of your time on is an important decision as you simply can't put a proper amount of effort into each and every social media platform that exists. If you're an entrepreneur juggling many hats, social media may just be another hat to add to your rotation which makes it even more important that you make your time effective with the best choice. The best way to be effective with your business social media is to choose a single platform and give it your all.

You only have so much creative energy, time, and decision effort you can muster.

If you're really struggling to pick between a pair of social media networks, you may be able to be effective with a couple. Think about this decision as if every additional social media platform you and your business focus on dilutes the rest. You only have so much creative energy, time, and decision effort you can muster. Put that effort into the social media network that's most appropriate for your small or local business. This brings me to a suggestion which is going to go directly against the entire introduction to this article: try multiple social media networks. If you're following our Local Marketing and SEO guide, you should at least claim your NAP to build citations on the major social media sites. That gives your business a great opportunity to try each social media network. See if you can't find a workflow you enjoy and can stick with combined with a community where your customers or clients exist. It's a difficult balance: you don't want to be forced into a social media workflow you hate just because it's where your customers hang out.

I'm sorry for the crude metaphor but it applies so well.

You won't keep pace with a process you hate. You can improve that process by finding web strategy experts to handle it, but you need to get a feel for what you like. Try multiple social media platforms to see if a particular workflow resonates with you and your business goals. Each social media platform has its positives and negatives for local small business marketing. I'll walk you through the high level differences for each of the major six social media platforms and then give you details and actionable tips to apply to your strategy for each network. This overview will help you decide what social media sites for business are most effective for your time. Twitter can often feel like peeing into an ocean. I'm sorry for the crude metaphor but it applies so well. There's very little that can be done with your sole Twitter stream if you're an average user. The real customer reach of Twitter comes from combing streams from multiple participants. This leverage comes in the form of retweets.

Lots of average Twitter users will follow you back if you follow them.

search and social media marketingYour content needs to be engaging or useful enough that the bigger fish in the ocean of Twitter will give you a boost by sending your message out to their own followers. If you're just getting started with Twitter, my strongest suggestion to gain followers aside from connecting with friends, family, and existing clients/customers, is to attempt to engage with like minded businesses or users. Search for other accounts by location and give them a follow if you're at least tangentially related by industry, technology, or interest. Lots of average Twitter users will follow you back if you follow them. The folks that aren't going to follow your newly social business brand are those with massive ratios (for example: those following 50 people that have 50,000 followers). Following industry leaders is a good way to signify your niche or industry, but it's highly unlikely to produce any return follows to your business Twitter account.

Aim to interact with other niche, peer businesses or individuals to earn your followers. Twitter is a space with an incredibly tall hierarchy of accounts. It's one heck of a climb. At first, engage with peers not influencers to be effective. Provide social proof by starting from the bottom and working your way up the Twitter totem pole. Whatever you do, don't bother with "buying" followers. They're not only useless in terms of engagement which is the entire point of what you're attempting to create with your Twitter account. Tweet frequently and utilize hashtags (no more than two per tweet) to give your tweets additional reach. Research the hashtags you're using to be sure they're relevant to the content of your tweet and used/seen by other Twitter users. You'll have far better luck creating engagement by targeting hashtags with smaller reach but which are more relevant to your tweet than using tangentially relevant hashtags with broad reach.

Research by Socialbakers shows that engagement begins dropping off after 3 tweets per day for brands. Tweet frequently because Twitter streams move quickly and most of your followers or hashtag viewers will miss your first tweet. Piqora research shows that moving from a few pins a week to multiple per day can make an enormous difference in engagement with your Pinterest business account. You won't saturate your followers at this frequency. Of course, Buffer did an amazing job of creating an appropriate visual, an infographic, to define Pinterest pin frequency. Use Pinterest's pin boards to create groups of useful highly topic relevant content. These are great targets for repins and shares. When creating pins, add Places to to them in order to market your pins in a local context. This enables you to conduct local business marketing through Pinterest. If your own location doesn't come up as an option, you'll want to make sure you're on Foursquare as it's the source of Pinterest's place data. Nearly everyone is on Facebook. It's the largest social media network today and counts such a large proportion of the Internet population that it generally represents your average Internet user.

It can be a tempting choice.

social networking new sitesThat means your business will be able to find an audience on Facebook. It also means you're competing with, well, everyone. You're probably already using Facebook for personal social networking and this can be a great springboard for your brand as you have an existing set of interested users. However, you'll want to think about just how much you want to market your business brand to your friends and family. Many business operators may choose to skip any personal Facebook account use targeting their business activities to avoid any objection from friends and family. If you're struggling to just get your social media presence off the ground though, this is probably the only audience you already have. It can be a tempting choice. If you're in this situation and decide to utilize friends and family to build your first set of likes for your Facebook business page, do it slowly.

Topic title: Chinese Social Media Site Blocks Petition Backing Woman Accusing Tech Billionaire Of Rape
Topic covered: social media related topics, social network adalah, social network advertising, social network design, some social networking sites

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