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Modern Socialism: The Difference From Socialism, Capitalism, And Communism

why social media marketingUpdated on February 12, 2013 Steven Dison moreContact Author First off, what is Modern Socialism? That's a tough question to answer succinctly, actually. The best way I can explain it is that it's an economic philosophy that revolves around shared sacrifice, equality for all, and a vital social safety net. It is not an economic system. Rather, it is a set of ideals and policies that are put forth by lawmakers, such as unemployment benefits, welfare programs, universal healthcare, etc. The underlying economic system is capitalism. Well, it should because it is what's known as a social democracy. It's also arguably what we have in America. While our system doesn't go as far as other nations (ex: universal healthcare), it is quite similar. Then why does socialism have such a negative connotation in America? The main reason is that many confuse socialism for communism, which is actually a subset of the old definition of socialism, or the classic version. Classic socialism is an actual economic system, which was created in opposition to capitalism. The goal was to have a state-run economy that created goods based upon the need from the populace, rather than the need for profit, like in capitalism.

But, here's where we come to modern socialism.

new social sitesSadly, communism became the poster-child for socialism and thus, the two words became interchangeable. In reality, it was not representative of the ideals of socialism, as it usually impoverished the working class and obliterated human rights. But, here's where we come to modern socialism. The war between these two economic systems has been raging on for more than a century. Socialism was created in direct opposition to capitalism and its supposed evils of greed. Arguably, the war is over. Capitalism has taken its place as the predominant economic system, due in large part to the emergence of an economic superpower, the United States. The main point of this article is to point out that modern socialism is nothing to fear and has nothing to do with communism, fascism, or stateism. It's a common misconception here in America, but really needs to be put to rest. If you polled most Americans on the individual aspects of modern socialism, I'm quite sure you'd find a lot of support for them.

But, if you were to use the word "socialism," the numbers would drop drastically, even among Democrats. As a country, we have embraced many social programs. Even Republicans are supportive of the major social programs, albeit not as much as Democrats, and they also want to cut benefits to a certain degree, but the programs are here to stay. We have become a social democracy without even knowing or acknowledging it. The fact is that's okay. It helps us take care of our sick, elderly, destitute citizens, while preserving the economic engine that is capitalism. Long live the social democracy! As a nation, we are becoming more and more progressive. I see America passing some form of universal healthcare in the future, whether its by expanding Medicare coverage to include everyone, starting at the age of 18. I also see a housing plan put in place. We have far too many people homeless and hungry in this nation.

We have seen capitalism when it is unrestricted. The financial collapse of 2008 was a direct result of the reckless and unregulated nature of our economy. Ayn Rand's prodigy, Alan Greenspan (former Chairman of the Federal Reserve), even admitted after the collapse that he was wrong. Our economy could not self-regulate. The human need for greed is great and capitalism only spurs that. But, capitalism has also been great for increased standard of living among all members of society. It has its pros and cons, but one thing it should never be is unregulated. United States PoliticsMueller Is Getting Closer to the Con Man. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account. 0 of 8192 characters usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in comments, but URLs will be hyperlinked. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I am an Indian and after WWII ,global political map had changed and in Asia and other Continent nations got freedom and began their development and due to poverty and backwardness they opted socialism as a way to prosperity. You rightly say that confusion socialism with communism same is applicable to democracy to capitalism .

search and social media marketingCapitalist is not a product of democracy but it came out from industrial revolution in England and British empire. Civilized nations or societies in Europe actually robbed and plundered Asia,Africa. Their empire flourished due looting of resources and slave trade . India had mixed economy for development but corruption and bureaucracy in India made under British empire could not understand creativity and productivity so our mixed economic model also failed. Socialism assured lifetime employment and subsidies but people did not deliver what government needed for development . In Indian context , we need to select a model to build ourselves. I believe, as it stands right now, we do not have a true capitalist system. True capitalism is not regulated by government as it is today. The essentials of true capitalism are having a free market, private property, and letting people voluntarily help one another. What we have today is more of a corporate oligarchy. You do however make a good point in saying socialism has changed dramatically in the last century or so. In conclusion you talk of not demonizing socialism so lets not demonize true capitalism. The form of socialism that we and other countries adopt are simply controls on the capitalist system. Capitalism is a system of economic competition where greed often predominates. Social programs protect citizens from capitalist excesses. Karl Marx foresaw the end game as a communist revolution. He never envisoned what FDR and others have done since the 1930s. Strict systems of all sorts eventually become oppressive. Our hybrid system curbs these excesses. Socialist and communist are just name calling that Republicans spew to gain votes and scare the public.

Top 5 Social Networks

Are you looking to market your beauty or hair salon on social media? Or are you not getting the results you want and need a boost? Social media is a great way to engage with your current and potential customers, spread more awareness about your services, and create brand loyalty among customers by reinforcing what makes your salon unique. Below, we've listed 21 tips to transform your salon’s social media strategy. Social media posts should entice your customers to crave more interaction and communication. Your content needs to be engaging and interesting to those who are going to read it and should provide them with some new source of information. Post facts, information or photos that your target audience would find appealing and that are in line with your brand image. For example, if your hair salon has a young, fun, modern feel, your posts should match this tone. On the other hand if your brand has more of a vintage, old school theme you may consider posting pictures that follow this idea or tweet about how your business is for the woman that loves classic beauty.

These types of content are interactive and appealing to your target audience.

You should post pictures that your demographic will respond to and react to in a positive way. All pictures, captions or tweets should match the tone of your brand and be in line with your target age group. Before you post anything on social media, make sure it is something you feel your customer would want to talk about or be interested in. Salons should post content such as hair and beauty tips or the latest how-to guides or engaging content related to your business that is available in a short, easy to read format. Examples would be an intriguing photo with a simple caption, a short list of beauty tips, a fun beauty vine video or an infographic. These types of content are interactive and appealing to your target audience. Facebook provides the perfect way for you to share your services, post photos of your unique nail art or create contests or giveaways to promote brand loyalty and spread awareness of your brand.

In today’s Facebook era, it is rare that you would find a customer who isn’t a member of the social media site. Therefore, it is the perfect medium to communicate with customers. 1. Write relevant posts that engage consumers - Write posts that customers want to respond to and will enjoy giving their opinion on. An example of this would be to ask questions like “Summer has officially begun! What will be your summer hair cut of choice? ” This type of conversation starter is relevant, personalized, and something that majority of salon-goers would enjoy discussing. 2. Post pictures, and lots of them! One of the best ways businesses can use Facebook is as a visual medium. Your salon should be showcasing the work that it is most proud of. Whether that be fun holiday-themed manicures or gorgeous bridal party hairstyles, pictures provide an outlet to show what you can do. 3. Treat your Facebook Page as a miniature website - When customers arrive on your Facebook page they should be able to find all of the information they may be looking for. Use the various Facebook tabs to show your salon locations, services, photos and reviews.

social media sales4. Engage customers through Facebook contests and giveaways - In general, people love free stuff. 5. Provide Facebook Fans with exclusive deals - When Liking a business on Facebook, customers like to feel as though they’re getting something special in return. You can entice them to like you on Facebook by offering 10% off their next visit or by sharing the Page on Facebook to receive a gift with their next purchase. In addition, you can provide discounts to Facebook Fans which are only redeemable by mentioning the specific Facebook Ad, as seen in the example below. By knowing that these offers are only to Facebook Fans, Types Social Media Benefit Business customers will want to follow your Page more closely and will likely tell their friends when they do score an exclusive deal. 6. Target your Ads - Use Facebook Ads to their full ability through targeting. You may want to only target people located close to your salon, or those who like related Facebook Pages.

An example would be those who like Aveda Canada who would likely want to try your nearby hair salon that uses Aveda products. With over 200 million users in just 4 years, Instagram is the newest member of the core social media family. Pictures are a great way to market your salon and show a wide variety of your work as well as fun, quirky photos that follow your brand’s theme. 1. Stay on trend - Use trending hashtags to draw more users to your Instagram profile and to find out about your salon. 2. Use geography to your advantage - Use hashtags to point out your location. That way future customers looking for a salon nearby may stumble upon your photo and your salon. Toronto, so that those looking for a haircut that day can locate your business quickly. 3. Use before and after pictures to showcase your stylists’ talent - Reviews and testimonials don’t need to just be a text post when it comes to social media. Use Instagram to show results in your salon. Before and after pictures show transformation and can grab users’ attention.

4. Be fun and quirky - Instagram users tend to be young and on trend, and enjoy fun, quirky posts in addition to just product or service-related posts. Once in a while a feel good post can engage your customers and you can use specific quotes or pictures that you feel defines your brand. 5. Do exclusive Instagram contests - One great aspect of Instagram is that you can have contests that involve user-generated content. Ontrendnailsalon and be entered to win your next manicure for free! ” These engage customers and are easy for customers to participate in by simply uploading a picture and including the proper hashtag. If you have always wondered how to get more followers on Instagram, you will find out that a contest is one of the best solutions. 6. Post promotions on Instagram - Post promotional photos on Instagram so that customers are always aware of new things going on at your salon.

7. Provide incentives for Instagram word-of-mouth - Provide incentives for customers to upload a picture of what they had done at your salon such as “Have a new hairstyle or cut from Dropdead beauty salon that you just love? Twitter is a great way for your salon business to provide information, share interesting related articles or hold contests. 1. Use Twitter as an information source about your services - Post information about a specific service with a link to your website where customers can get more information. 2. Exclusive Twitter offers - Have exclusive offers through your Twitter account, just for Twitter Followers. This will provide incentives for people to follow your business on Twitter, build your following or create more loyalty among customers. 3. Offers for Retweets - Twitter is a great platform for sharing as a simple Retweet from one of your Followers can generate you plenty of referrals. Offer incentives for Retweets such as “Chopped Hair Lounge is Vancouver’s newest trendy hair salon. 4. Provide Group Deals - Twitter is a very social medium for communicating with others, and Group Deals are a great way to gain Followers or engage with customers.

6. Be a timely Tweeter - Think about when customers check their Twitter feeds and tweet accordingly.

Salons are also a social place where people go to relax, enjoy, and feel good about themselves, so Twitter is a great way to engage with multiple people at once. An example would be to offer “Come in this weekend with 2 or more girlfriends and receive 20% off each on manicures, pedicures or a colour change just by showing this tweet! 5. Use Twitter hashtags - Twitter is where hashtags were originally created, so use them on Twitter as well as Instagram. 6. Be a timely Tweeter - Think about when customers check their Twitter feeds and tweet accordingly. 7. Share Articles on Twitter Related to your Salon - Use Twitter to share articles or interesting facts or stories in relation to your hair, nail or beauty salon. Customers who are following you on Twitter are interested in what you have to say and likely want your advice when it comes to their beauty or hair care. These 21 tips and strategies will allow your salon to gain new customers, retain those customers through brand loyalty, and create an interactive relationship with Followers. Hopefully this post has introduced you to some new tactics and will help you utilize social media to its fullest ability for marketing your salon. Want to really boost your social media engagement? Wishpond's Facebook Contest Apps make it easy to create sweepstakes, photo contests, Instagram hashtag contests & more.

Also, you will find loads of files and demo plugins which work to add functionality to your website.

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So what is Social Media Optimization (SMO)?

The article on Social Media Optimization (SMO) is aimed towards defining the concept and sharing some important tips related to optimizing of social media to get on-going and increased amounts of website traffic. The purpose of a website would get defeated if it fails to attract visitors to it. Generating regular traffic to a website is probably the biggest challenge faced by a website owner. Till a few years back Search Engines were the major source of traffic but times have changed now as Social Media sites have picked up and are now providing an alternate source of traffic generation. Therefore, social media optimization becomes an essential strategy and it becomes all the more important for SMO Experts for generating website traffic to adopt effective social media optimization techniques in their scheme of things. So what is Social Media Optimization (SMO)? Most of the social media optimization strategies revolve around building up a huge network base which is actually not the right strategy to adopt.

social media marketing systemSocial media optimization is not a numbers game and the success of such a campaign would not depend on the number of followers we have managed to get on Twitter or the many friends we have accumulated on Facebook. There is no point in racing towards a large number of network rather the strategy should be methodical and concentrate on making real connects. A target audience must be clearly outlined before executing social media optimization strategies. Also a two-way connect is a must for every social media optimization step that we are taking. There should be an active and on-going participation in social media activities of people in your network so as to expect the favor back. The craze regarding social media is undisputed and it is set to grow bigger with every passing day. Therefore, it becomes imperative that wise-strategies are put in place for social media optimization so as to tap on to the immense benefits it can offer. So what are you waiting for? Author's Bio: Gaurav Kumar is internet marketing professional, Presently working with Ebizon NetInfo, one of the leading Web development company offering expert seo` services, US web development services, social media optimization company and e commerce solutions over the globe. Please Register or Login to post new comment. What are Cryptocurrency Exchanges? How Difficult Is It To Become A Professional Archer?

Topic title: Modern Socialism: The Difference From Socialism, Capitalism, And Communism
Topic covered: how to be on social media, professional social networking sites, social media marketing cost, social media pages, social media technology

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