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Thursday 14 November 2019

Jayan Blogger

Social Media Creates Great Scale

A salient fact about social media marketing is the fact that markets move so very fast. Social media creates great scale. The scale creates the great speed that we find in contemporary markets. The way that social media brands are created is that first a product is positioned. The scale of the market makes it evolve. This means that the product is repositioned. As the brand continues, the repositioning creates a new positioning. The way that the early car industry was branded is an example. Two great giants of this era were Henry Ford of the Ford Motor Company and Billy Durant who created General Motors. Both understood that the original market would depend upon low price. Durant also felt that the low price should also have variant brands to target different groups. Henry thought that price was the key and he created a world class brand in the Model T. For a time, Henry's bet was the correct one.

The variance of income created different targets for the car.

latest news about social networking sitesThe market evolved overtime. As the decade of the 1910's progressed a middle class developed. With more resources available, people began to want more than just a low price in a car. The variance of income created different targets for the car. This created the necessity for the car to be branded in different ways. Luckily, for GM, Billy Durant had created these different brands. In the General Motors model, Chevy was the entry level for low income people. Ponitac was the next level. This is for people who start a job, and start receiving early career promotions. For the mature mid career there is the Oldsmobile. For those people know on the fast track there is the Buick. Finally, for the people who have made it, there is the Cadillac. I think the GM model is the model that modern social marketing should follow. Different income groups define their products in a different manner.

The brands help them define themselves. This is the beginning of what is called the "umbrella" brand. This is several brands of the same product, under the roof of one company. It is this strategy that allowed General Motors to overcome a seemingly insurmountable lead by Ford in the 1920's to become the pre-eminent brand in cars. As in the case of General Motors, a big benefit is MARKET GROWTH. There is strength in numbers. With many brands, like the GM family, there is constant engagement with the General Motors brand, instead of the singular General Motors "car". As In the GM case, no one brand can control the entire market. This is the genius of Albert Sloan. It was Albert Sloan that has taught marketers the importance of targeting, segmenting, differentiation, 23 Social Media Sites Consider Business and branding. This is in clear contrast to Mr. Ford's assertion that you can have any color you want as long as it is black. Multi brands PREVENT BRAND EXTENSION. In 1923, there were many car companies, most with one brand. By having multi brands, Mr. Sloan was able to consolidate the market and to dissuade the smaller struggling companies not to extend their brand and to get out of the market, allowing General Motors to concentrate on Ford. Multi brands PROTECT THE BRAND IMAGE. Everyone knows that Chevy, Ponitac, Olds, Buick, and Cadillac were General Motor brands. Each of the cars contributed to the GM image. Ford's singular brand in the Model T worked against Ford. Because it had only one brand, Mr. Sloan was able to portray the Model T as a brand "built by farmers for farmers".

Where Did Social Media Come From

Is last night's Italy vs Uruguay game the most shocking and dramatic in the World Cup history? Watching a top and very promising footballer like Suarez acting like this, provoked various reactions. Of course the social media space was the main means of people's expression. Some were angry, others disgusted. For those who have just about any concerns regarding exactly where and also the best way to employ Pottery, you can contact us from the web-site. Some were shocked, others just laughed. This event definitely gave inspiration to creative minds out there, producing funny memes and videos across the social media platforms. Twitter went on fire, with many related hashtags trending, some stats of which you can see here, along with the online discussion analysis. People - football fans mainly- were not the only ones to react so quickly. Major brands took instantly the opportunity for some more advertising, making the most of this current hot topic and of consumers' attention, in a very funny and clever way. Or this from Nando's? One thing is sure. This incident was a social media sensation! How do you feel about this? What was your favourite meme? Were you perhaps the creator of one?

Top Social Networking Sites

latest news of social mediaSocial media networking sites are becoming a silent snapper for the people who are seeking employment in a recession hit job market, as employers are now compelled to run social media employment background checks as their primary tool for hiring. A real life story can be a better example to let you understand how social media employment background checks are hurting employment careers of people in a silence of midnight. Josh is a social media friend of mine; we have got connected almost 5 months ago through Facebook. One day, he told me his story about how social media employment background checks have affected his employment venture. Let’s hear it from him,” Facebook, LinkedIn, and MySpace: The opportunities to join the wave of social networks are seemingly endless. Not wanting to be left behind, I jumped in feet first and joined all the popular social networks and posted all sorts of information about my likes and dislikes.

all popular social mediaLike many people I joined Facebook as a way to connect with old friend and to make new friends/connections. In much the same way, I have made access on LinkedIn where I have more than 500 friends on this more “business-like” network. My work history, references, job duties etc. are openly displayed and all you have to do is search for my name and you too can know too much about me. A number of colleagues have me recommendations and they are openly posted for the world to see. I did the same social website relevant activities on MySpace and Twitter as well. After sometime I got a call from a recruiter who viewed my social media “public” profiles and wanted to talk to me about a CEO position at a new startup business. The truth is I am not looking for a job and I am very happy with my portfolio of entrepreneurial activities like writing, consulting, teaching etc. Yet, this call is clear evidence that social media networking works.

Yes, you can say that I am a real player in the social media universe. But, here is the rub. Candidly, I realized that he knew too much about me and it is my own fault. I disclosed all the information on these social networking websites—yep, I am really a player or, should I say, I am really a chump! Social media employment background checks are becoming a infectious these days as every employer want to screen his prospective employee from every nook and corner of his life to make a best hiring decision. For job seekers, it is becoming another hurdle between their employment successes. Recently, The Federal Trade Commission of United States of America ruled that your postings on any social media site can be saved by on-line background screening companies for up to seven years. It may not sound so bad if you're a teen, but those postings could come back to haunt you in the future when you're job hunting. 1. Be friendly but don’t be stupid. Be careful about who you allow in your network since friendship is about quality not quantity. 2. Keep your profile page simple.

Try not to overload the page with goofy widgets, bells and whistles. 3. Post tasteful photos only. Pictures of you and your friends in a drunken stupor from last weekend could prove to be hazardous to your career. 4. Avoid trashing your friends, classmates, work colleagues and employers. 5. Use spell-check and write in English. Text-speak can be unbecoming to a professional. 6. Always respond to your friend’s requests and messages. 7. Be-Aware and Create Awareness: This is darn need of a time to raise awareness and caution among the people over how digital footprints remaining on social media can affect current and future employment prospects. 9. Always prompt for tight privacy settings on your personalize profile on any of your social media site, so only that information can be accessed which you want to be seen publicly. Might it kill the job offer? Make sure your social media public profile on these websites is purged of any information that might be controversial or extreme, since your next employer might be viewing it for social media employment background checks. Please Register or Login to post new comment. How to Build Your Social Media Marketing Strategy?

By now you know it’s a bad idea to be a digital sharecropper and build your business entirely on someone else’s land (like Facebook, Tumblr, or any other third party you don’t control). But you may be asking yourself, “What type of social media marketing should I be doing? How are savvy businesses using social media effectively to find more customers, boost their reputations, and make more sales? Here are the seven essentials that will turn your social media marketing from an annoying time-waster to an effective bottom-line booster. Your home base is your website. It’s on a domain you own. You control the user experience — from the content to the site design to the user interface. This is where you show that you know your stuff. That means building a nice cornerstone of high-quality content that demonstrates your expertise in a likable, accessible way. First impressions matter, so make sure the design is clean, professional, and smart.

top rated social media sitesIt can still be stylish or funky, if that’s your thing, but it shouldn’t look amateurish or confusing. Your home base is where you post content to answer your readers’ questions, give them interesting tips, and help solve their annoying problems. When someone wants to know more about you, this is where you send them. Your home base is a content marketing tool, which means you need to be communicating primarily with customers, not with other experts in your topic. Don’t just pontificate to show what you know — tie your news and opinions back to how those things affect your customers. 2. Who’s the face of your business? If you want to use social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, you need a human face to make your social media marketing work. So, does that mean potential customers want to know about your personal struggles finding high-quality organic dog food?

Just like people have always done in public settings (work, church, volunteer activities), you’re going to adopt a persona — a selected range of your thoughts, emotions, and observations. You don’t want to share absolutely everything about the “real” you with your social media connections. You’re going to be social and informal, but in a way that’s relevant, appropriate, and interesting to who you’re talking with. That doesn’t mean I want you to be a fraud. I want you to be friendly and genuine. Sound like a human being, not a corporate robot. And you certainly don’t have to stick to business all the time. It’s fine and good to show that you have a life. It’s not so good to show the world you’re careless, rude, or boring. The truth is, the definition of “appropriate” depends on your audience. If it works for your customers, it’s appropriate. Authenticity for a business doesn’t come from oversharing or boring your audience to death — it lies in doing what you say you’ll do. 3. Who else has your customers?

Look for people who have healthy-sized audiences who are a good fit for your product or service.

top ten social networking sites in worldSocial networking platforms were designed to make it easy and fun for people to hang out together. That means you’re going to use them to build relationships that will help your business. Look for people who have healthy-sized audiences who are a good fit for your product or service. They may be bloggers, they may be authors, they may have a popular podcast or column in mainstream media. They may simply be social media mavens who have lots of friends and like to share good stuff. These are the people you want to share and promote your excellent content. Cultivating professional relationships isn’t rocket science. Stick to the basics — link to them from your content, comment intelligently on their blogs and social platforms, and be a nice person. Don’t think that picking fights or manufacturing controversy makes you stand out. It doesn’t; it just makes you look like a troll. If you’re going to take a controversial position, make sure it’s one that really matters, and express it with respect.

Again, think about where your customers are. If you love Twitter but your customers spend hours every day on Facebook, you need to recognize that Facebook is probably a better venue for your business. It may not be as fun for you — but that’s why they call it work. Only move beyond your primary platform when you’re sure you’re handling it well. A lot depends on the industry you’re in. If you’re a copywriter, social media consultant, or professional content marketer, your customers spend a lot of time in these venues, which means you probably will too. Sites like Twitter and Facebook are seductive places to drop in and just check what’s new. But when your five-minute check turns into twenty-five minutes, and you’re doing that four or five times a day per site, you’re going to find your productivity taking a dive. Remember your home base. That (and actually delivering whatever it is you do) are where the bulk of your time and energy need to go. 3 kitchen timer. Decide in advance how much time you’ll spend checking in and being social, set your timer, and stick to it.

top ten social networking sites in worldToo often, this form of Conversation leads to business owners spending hours every day chattering with potential customers and hoping someone will buy something. Yes, be personable. Yes, keep an ear out for customer complaints so you can respond appropriately. And yes, network with peers in your industry to keep your links healthy. But if it feels like goofing around all day instead of working, it probably is. Instead, spend the bulk of your time creating content, whether it’s on your own home base or for a guest post so you can find a wider audience. Use content to educate your customers about what they need to know to make an intelligent purchase. Focus on customer objections, questions, and problems. When you find someone else’s content that your customers will find valuable, share that too — and add a few insights of your own, if you like. Even a 100-character tweet can have content value. Think about what you can say that makes readers’ lives better, rather than just filling up time before you run to Starbucks. Make sure your reader has a good experience every time she hears from you. Keep it both useful and entertaining. Social media conversation is a seasoning that makes your content more appetizing. It’s not the main dish. Too many people think that social media sharing means they don’t need SEO anymore. The fact is, social media marketing is a superb complement to SEO.

Interact with your customers by asking them to share their stories. You could, for instance, ask them to post on your Facebook wall about their best memory linked to one of your products, or simply tell a story unrelated to your industry. Select the best stories or pictures and feature them. Just as with other marketing campaigns, do your homework and research all the competition you will be facing in your field. There is no end to the possibilities, but this means the same logic applies to your competitors. Know what they are doing and find a way to strengthen your own SMM plan through their trial and errors. Brag about your friends on your social media blog. This may seem odd, but some people like to see your social credentials before they will feel comfortable interacting with you. Blog about your friends on Facebook, or your number of Twitter followers.

social media marketing facebookInclude links to your other pages as well. Before beginning a social media marketing campaign you should consider purchasing guides to lead you in the right direction. A guide includes information about the leading social media sites. It will give you all that you need to know from the basics of setting up a page to strategies to increasing traffic. Take advantage of networking via LinkedIn. When you are on your LinkedIn, look for the option to place a link for websites or blogs to your account. You are able to do three, and you should make sure you use all three to market your other websites on your LinkedIn profile. To make sure your social media page appeals to your target audience, research books, magazines, and other things you believe they’d enjoy. Try to match the tone of the content you see in your research, and incorporate popular phrases. Doing this will help your target market to trust you and will make them interested in what you have to say. Try to obtain a Twitter handle that is very close to your business name or brand name.

Topic title: Social Media Creates Great Scale
Topic covered: cial media, in social media or on social media, networking websites, soc medium, social media expert

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