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Wednesday 13 November 2019

Jayan Blogger

The Philosophy Of S0cial Media

Aussies continue to be addicted to social media in growing numbers, according to the latest surveys and user statistics. If you loved this article and you would like to receive additional info concerning social media advertising cost kindly go to the internet site. With social media penetration approaching 90% of the population, 2019 may be the year that social media in Australia finally reaches maturity. How many Australians use social media in 2019? The latest Yellow Social Media Report released in June last year found that almost 9 in 10 people (88%) have a social media profile in Australia. This figure is up from 79% in 2017 and 69% in 2016, showing remarkable growth over a relatively short period. The average Australian now owns 3.5 internet-enabled devices, with most preferring to use their smartphones to access social media. 60% of people say they use the internet more than five times per day. How do customers interact with businesses on social media? The Yellow report found that 44% of consumers follow brands on social media. More than 50% of social media users say they value brand interactions on social networks and are more likely to trust a business if it offers engaging and relevant content on a regular basis. Discounts (62%) and giveaways (51%) are the most popular reasons people follow brands.

Social Media Marketing Definition

what is social media marketingFacebook’s dominance and popularity have remained stable since this time last year, despite the organisation’s high-profile data scandals in early 2018 that saw users worldwide being urged to ‘Delete Facebook’. Around 60% of the Australian population has a Facebook account and around 1 in 2 people check it every day. More Australian businesses use and advertise on Facebook than any other social platform - around 9 in 10 SMBs and large businesses. This connects them with Australia’s biggest online audience. More than half of the population (53%) watches videos on YouTube. This includes slightly more men than women (56% vs 50%) and 65% of people under 30. 46% of people share videos or photos on social media. Video is one of the most engaging types of content for consumers, but most businesses are still hesitant to produce video content due to the time and effort involved in making it look professional.

Instagram is still Australia’s favourite image-sharing website, retaining a stable user base over the past 12 months after having doubled its users the previous year. Instagram users are more likely to follow brands than users of other social networks at 44% (compared to 39% of Facebook users). Formerly more popular with SMBs, the number of large businesses advertising on Instagram has more than doubled in the past year from 20% to 46% according to the Yellow survey of Australian businesses. Steadily rising through the ranks - gaining two million users each year for the past two years - WhatsApp is Australia’s second most popular social media messaging service after parent company Facebook’s own Messenger. Snapchat is once again the fastest growing social media app in Australia, rising two places from last year’s count. As well as its high monthly user base, more than 4.5 million Australians use Snapchat every day - around 36 times per week on average. Snapchat is more popular with younger demographics, with almost half (49%) of 18-29 year olds on social media using the platform.

Australia’s favourite CMS platform had a modest gain of 100,000 users over the past year. Its free business model, ease of use and extensive customisation makes WordPress the go-to option for many bloggers and SMBs creating websites and blogs. Twitter is gaining popularity in Australia, rising from 9th place and 3,000,000 users this time last year. Unlike most social networks, Twitter is most widely used by people in their 30s. It’s also much more popular with men than women (26% vs 13%). Aussie Twitter users check the site 23 times per week on average. Twitter’s speed and ease of use make it popular with large businesses, of which 60% advertise on the platform. Naturally, LinkedIn is widely used by businesses. It’s the second most popular social media site after Facebook for large businesses (used by 73% that use social media) and medium businesses (48%). It’s less popular with small businesses though, which are more likely to use Instagram. The only site on this list to lose rather than gain users over the past year (though only by around 100,000), Tumblr’s slow decline continues. However, the microblogging site retains a loyal user base. Just holding on to 10th place, Australia’s most popular dating app has an estimated 3 million users. This has remained stable over the past year, after increasing in 2017 when premium paid services were introduced. Hot on Tinder’s heels in 11th place is WeChat with around 2,900,000 active monthly users. Hugely popular with Australia’s Chinese community, WeChat and other Chinese social networks such as RenRen and Weibo are expected to increasingly challenge traditional social networks in the coming years.

Top Social Networks

number 1 social media siteUsers can send photos and videos, share their location, and create groups. Kik is an instant messaging app that allows users to share content such as photos, GIFs, Web pages, and videos. Users can start a public chat using hashtags, or create a private group. PicsArt is a photo editing app combined with a social network. Users can share their photos, discover images other users have uploaded, create a collage, co-edit, and enter contests. Hi5 is a social entertainment site. Users can use features similar to other social media sites like sharing photos, connecting with friends, and meeting new people. But hi5’s big focus is on playable games. Members on Buzznet share photos, journals, videos, and other content based on their interests. Most content shared centers around music and popular media. Content shared can be tagged and found on topic pages. Snapchat lets users send photos and videos to specific contacts. Captions can be added, and once sent content disappears in a few seconds.

Keek allows you to capture and share short video updates.

You can connect a resume, or “backstory,” and add a mission statement to your profile. Users also gain access to stats on who visited their site, what they clicked on, and where they are from. Archetypes let’s users create a customized “Story Page.” Users take a quiz to determine what their personal archetypes are and then that information is displayed on their page. Other features are included to flesh out personal preferences and connect users with each other. Listgeeks is a social platform for creating lists of things that are important to you. Your lists can be shared and compared with other users. Listgeeks is still in beta testing but, if you are interested in the service, you can check out the site and even give input. Keek allows you to capture and share short video updates. Users can share their videos, view other uploaded videos, and private or group chat through video and text. Should you have just about any queries with regards to where and how you can utilize Reese Witherspoon Self-Funding Hello, it is possible to contact us on our own web site. Users can also leave video comments. Rounds is a live communication platform offering instant group video chat. Rounds offers other features like photo and video sharing, and games. Tsu gives its members a chance to share in earned revenue for the content they create. This method motivates users to create compelling content as well as gives them ownership in what they turn out. Membership is by invite only so it’s a little exclusive. With all the varied social media options from websites to mobile apps, there could be some untapped tools out there for your growing business, beyond the usual suspects. Many of these social media services will likely have little or no value to you. But if you are looking for some new and innovative options or a new audience to connect with, it might pay to have a look.

The way marketing is being done on the internet is changing. People are starting to care more about who they do business with, especially in network marketing. Learn about this and how to use social networks to your advantage. Can you guess what the big buzz is lately for network marketers? I will explain why but let's take a quick look at how it started. At first there was MySpace and Facebook, two huge social networking giants. Network Marketers have joined them in order to market their opportunities through these sites. It is a great way for that extra free exposure even though the members of the networks aren't entirely targeted. However, the value of marketing on Myspace and Facebook is quickly dropping. This is due to the massive release of new and niche focused social networks. The fact is that this year alone I have seen an increasing number of professional social networks geared towards network marketers launching and becoming increasingly popular.

Adult Social Media Sites

A couple older ones are DirectMatches, AdLandPro, and even Ryze. Honestly I wouldn't even be the least bit surprised to see a few more start-up this year - that is how much it is catching on! It is also obvious why they do become so popular among network marketers, because there is no better advertising than targeted advertising. Exposing your business opportunity, system, or product to other network marketers is simply the most effective thing to do. Once a network marketer joins you they already have had their foot in the door and are somewhat knowledgeable about the industry and can greatly help your business. However if a random person from MySpace sees and joins your business they are not nearly as valuable to you because they most likely have no idea what they are doing or what network marketing is even about. So when network marketers are invited with the ability to join a social network full of network marketers it is almost a no-brainer.

It is because not all network marketers have caught on to the power of social networking yet or how to properly use social networking to explode their businesses. But the ability to further expose themselves and their business to other like-minded people is extremely valuable and profitable for most. The old way of network marketing is out, and I see the future holding tight to social marketing through professional social networks. Even so, many of these new business social networks are offering incentives for those who join. These range from revenue sharing, direct affiliate commissions, and various MLM pay plans. Through this supporting these new business social networks they will experience the increased awareness and exposure that they deserve. All professional social networks, however, are not created equal. Here are a few things you need to look out for when deciding which ones you will utilize in exposing yourself and your opportunities.

When looking over your social networks find out if the people involved in the social network are the type of people who would be interested in what you have to offer, or are like-minded to you. This means that if you are a network marketer looking to provide an opportunity to other network marketers then the people involved in the social network should be strictly network marketers. Does the social network you are considering include members looking for a date or love? If the social network includes this or niches totally unrelated to you then this weakens the potential of that network for you. However, if the social network is only network marketers or business opportunity seekers then it is an incredible source for you. Building up your friends list on social networks is one major thing you need to do to get the most exposure. This means accepting friend invitations from those within the social network and also seeking out other like-minded to add to your network of friends. The larger your list of friends the more active you will appear to be and the more people will take heart to what you have to say.

top new social media sitesIt also means more people who you can send messages to through the social network. Some social networks limit the amount of people you are able to send a message to at once. For example you have 100 friends and they limit you to only 30 people per message, this is a negative thing and is especially bad if you have a much larger network of friends. On the other hand, some social networks will let you add unlimited friends and you can send them a bulletin or message to all your friends at once anytime with ease. This is what you should be looking for because whether you have 100 friends, 1,000 or even 10,000 you can send them all a message just as easily as if you were sending it to one. This means potentially huge exposure for you. If you want you can even consider it like an instant contact list of targeted prospects!

However, I do warn about sending too much unwanted messages to your friends, you should try to connect with them and send them as much quality information as you can instead and then lightly introduce what you have to offer. If you consistently send what they would consider as spam messages they will just block you or remove you from their friends' network, so using the social network properly is important. Another factor is the true quality of the member base. If the membership is mostly free then they are less likely to be purchase ready. Overall this is the least important factor to be discussed. Other incentives could be the pay plan such as revenue sharing, affiliate commissions, or some type of matrix structure. It could also be other services provided with your cost of the membership such as training, tools, or other bonuses. Keep in mind, even if they do not offer great incentives but the rest of the above factors are positive I would still be excited to join. Right now there is not a huge selection of targeted professional social networks but I am positive that the future will hold true for more and more becoming available. Personally I like to take advantage and join any social network because that is extra exposure for me, and any extra exposure is always a good thing. However when choosing to be most active in select networks you may want to consider the above factors. I have created many strong relationships, learned a lot, taught a lot, and profited a lot from those relationships within social networks. I recommend taking advantage of any professional social network, especially niche ones that have like-minded individuals similar to yourself. The benefits can be enormous.

The first perspective is functionalist.

cool social networking sitesI have chosen the social networking sites issue to describe in the three sociological perspectives, which are functionalist, conflict, and interactionism. Social networking sites allow us to connect with different people from all over the world. Analyzing this issue in the different perspectives can show us the role and importance in modern society. The first perspective is functionalist. The functionalist perspective “…emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability.” (Schaefer, 2015, Chapter 1). Social networking sites help bring different people together for different reasons from anywhere in the world. You can find old friends, make new friends, find relatives, or join groups to discuss certain subjects in different perspectives. This allows people to see how different cultures view things in ways that they hadn’t known about. There are also dysfunctions of these sites. Bullying, privacy issues, and the stealing or misuse of people’s personal information are just a few of the dysfunctions related to social networking sites.

The next perspective is conflict. Last, but not least, we have the interactionism perspective. After looking at social networking sites in the three sociological perspectives, it’s very clear that they are all different in their own ways. If the culture we learn influences our beliefs and behaviors, then culture is a key concept to the sociological perspective. Someone who grows up in the United States differs in many ways, some of them obvious and some of them not so obvious, from someone growing up in China, Sweden, South Korea, Peru, or Nigeria. The profound impact of culture becomes most evident when we examine behaviors or conditions that, like kissing, are normally considered biological in nature. Consider morning sickness and labor pains, both very familiar to pregnant women before and during childbirth, respectively. These two types of discomfort have known biological causes, and we are not surprised that so many pregnant women experience them. But we would be surprised if the husbands of pregnant women woke up sick in the morning during their wives’ pregnancies or experienced severe abdominal pains while their wives gave birth. Schaefer, R. T. (2015). Sociology: A Brief Introduction.

These are the top social networks in India.

The best and biggest Indian and Indian-American social networks on the Internet, including niche social communities, as well as those organized by specialty interests, dating, and matrimony. This list contains social networks and online communities relating specifically to the interests and social lives of Indian people. A social network is an online service, platform, or website which is focused largely around uniting individuals, allowing them to communicate and interact. Facebook is currently the world's largest and most popular social networking platform, having supplanted previous champions like MySpace and Friendster. This list includes social networking sites that have achieved great popularity and utility among Indian users. These are the top social networks in India. This list gathers together the largest social networks and online communities geared towards Indian users. It is an open list, so if you have a favorite Indian social network that isn't featured, don't hesitate to enter it below to make sure it's included on the list!

social media schoolSocial Bookmarking falls under the Off-Page strategy of Search Engine Optimization. However, in spite of being such a popular off-page strategy several people end up doing it in a wrong way. And ultimately end up getting into bad link neighborhoods leading to algorithm penalty. Luckily to give you an edge over high pr link building sites we keep updating our very own updated list of social bookmarking sites. The sites that we maintain in our list is completely SPAM free! Because just like you we also HATE SPAM! We all know how to register a brand new account. However, registering with your keyword in the username works for some social bookmarking sites. Not many webmasters really know about seo that well so they allow the indexing of registered users! This really helps in the long run when search engine bots complete crawling of the entire site. Now that we know about using Social Bookmarking Sites List for improving our seo campaign let us discuss the link building inititatives that you can take to support the website. As link building campaigns evolve the complexities of ranking websites on Google and other major search engines also increases. In the last Google Update the websites that had lost their rankings has returned to their original state and those website that had got unfair advantage is not pushed further back into the search engine results pages.

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Topic title: The Philosophy Of S0cial Media
Topic covered: 5 top social media sites, new popular social media, other social networks, social networking sites, top social media sites for marketing

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