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Thursday, 14 November 2019

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• U.S. Population With A Social Media Profile 2019

How many people are on social media? According to estimates, the number of worldwide social media users reached 3.5 billion in April 2019. The overall most popular social network based on active users is the American market leader Facebook. In spring 2019, Facebook had some 2.32 billion accounts, followed by YouTube and WhatsApp with 1.9 billion and 1.5 billion users respectively. The regions with the highest penetration of social media users are Eastern Asia and North America. Although knowing how many people use social media is a powerful indicator of the tremendous influence such websites and apps have in our day to day life, how people are using them and who these users are is also telling. A report on social media usage released in 2019 shows that among Americans, younger online audiences were more likely to use social networks than older generations. Social media users in the United States use different social networks for a wide range of purposes. In a February 2019 survey, Instagram was the top social network for viewing photos whereas Facebook was more popular for sharing content.

Current Social Media Sites

social news networking sitesThis is a subject I have been studying on my own over the last year, and found the chapter on it very interesting. I especially like the Learned Helplessness/Battered Woman Theory section of the book. Over the last year, I have counseled several battered women and almost everyone said that, after a while, they began to believe what their abusers said to them was true. It is rare that physical abuse is absent of verbal abuse. Learned helplessness is, at its basic principle, an adoption of false beliefs about reality. The abused initially thinks about escape and rejects the accusations against her yet gradually begins to believe the words spoken to her and then begins adapting her behavior to accept the abuse. In some cases, she actually believes that she deserves the abuse because, in her mind, it is all her fault. The response is much like the famous experiment by Martin Seligman and Steven Maier. They had initially observed helpless behavior in dogs that were classically conditioned to expect an electrical shock after hearing a tone. Later, the dogs were placed in a shuttle box that contained two chambers separated by a low barrier. The floor being electrified on one side, and not on the other. There is more detail to the experiment than what I'm sharing, but eventually a set of dogs who had not been classically conditioned simply jumped over the low barrier to escape the shock. However, the dogs that were conditioned did not even attempt to escape because they were conditioned to "believe" that there was no escape and therefore just endured the shock. This is related to a belief that their locus of control is outside of themselves. I dare not compare humans to dogs but the effect of environmental conditioning is undeniable.

After mobile phones and internet, social networking is not only talk of the town but major talk of the world this year. Especially at seminars and corporate conferences. Companies and small business owners are aware of the phenomenon but have little idea how they can harness the power and leverage social networks and social media to their greatest advantage. It is the complexity rather than the simplicity that is not making business owners take right action. This is resulting in them missing out on lost opportunities where their vision is unable to see today. For example Blogs are a very fast and simple way to engage your target market, they are simple to create, easily searchable via RSS, and promotes ongoing conversations you’re your ideal readers. Micro blogging sites Twitter is the hottest site in 2009 with approx 15 million active users only in the USA. A site that started only in 2006 today is worth 1.7 billion dollars.

newspaper articles on social mediaFrom President Obama, Britney Spears, Oprah to an average person are signing up on Twitter realizing the massive potential of the social networking site. If you are a smart entrepreneur you can understand why Twitter is so beneficial. 140 characters are your updates but they can be powerful messages to your prospective clients, JV partners and future connections. Provided you know what are the right and wrong etiquettes. It is people who are blasting their company ads blatantly who are losing grounds and reputation faster than they can imagine. The secret to all this is the secret to right connection and conversation. If an entrepreneur can master this, they can dominate social networks and social media. Relationship building should be of prime focus on social networks and as an entrepreneur and a small business owner this is fundamentally important. Sales and dollars are inevitable provided you have built trust and some kind of relationship. That opens another topic.

search and social media marketingYour profile, image and content on your home page. Whether you like it or not people are judging and forming opinions on the content you have written on your profile page. If you are a business owner you must post content that will benefit you and get you possible leads and new business, without turning your home page into a commercial. Popular networks like Facebook and LinkedIn are ideal marketing, recruitment, prospecting, joint venture opportunities and personal brand building. As a business owner you can cut your advertising budgets into less than half if you know how to smartly plan your campaigns on Facebook. You can laser target your ideal audience as Facebook gives you fantastic options to do so. Right now the whole world is like your candy bowl and you can pick and choose the best contact as your friends, business partners or your team. Social networking is all about bringing more people into the conversation. The art is how to have effective conversation that will benefit both you and your contact. As a small business owner and an entrepreneur it is your perfect opportunity to increase sales and grow your business locally and globally today. With more than half a billion on major social sites there is every chance of success for small business owners. Just to give you some statistics see the active users on main social sites. What do these figures indicate to you? These figures are only from the major social sites. These figures should spark the fire in any entrepreneur if you have the mind set for success. Today is your opportunity to ride this tidal wave and leverage the power of social media and social networks for business and life.

These differences between traditional media and social networking aren’t just interesting — understanding how social media is different from traditional media has a major impact on whether you’re successful with social media. Run your social media campaign like your traditional media campaign and you’re likely to see more damage to your brand reputation than benefit and you’ll waste a lot of money doing it. A lot has changed since I originally wrote this post way back in 2012, so it makes sense to update it now. If you think about it, it’s pretty obvious that there are vast differences between traditional media and social networking, like those in the table above. Traditional media provides value through subsidizing content — free TV and radio programs, lower-cost magazines, and chances to win prizes. In exchange for this content or other value, we ALLOW advertisers to interrupt our day to tell us about their products. The difference between traditional media and social networking is that social platforms — Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc — are already FREE.

Social Media Newspaper

So, advertisers can’t expect us to allow them to interrupt us with commercial messages. I mean, face it, no one really LIKES commercial! So, the key to making social media work is to provide some other type of value — be it entertainment, information, support, or other types of rewards — in exchange for hearing your commercial message. And, the ratio can’t be 1:1. You HAVE to provide about 90% value to 10% commercial message. A good example is Taylor Swift. She shares cuts from her albums before they’re available in stores as well as insider information about music and bands. Since 2012, there’s been a movement toward digital media, instead of social media. In the intervening years since this article was published, social platforms, like Facebook, placed a more significant effort on monetizing their platforms so users see more ads. Users still don’t like it, hence the growth of ad-free platforms such as Snapchat, which grew rapidly, especially among younger users. The notion of paid, versus earned, versus owned media drew marketers’ attention. In the past, marketers focused on owned media — posts to social networks.

Now, they must integrate across owned media, paid media (Facebook ads, Adwords, Banner Ads), and earned media (sharing behavior that amplifies the brand message). Social networks increasingly replace more traditional communities and this is what draws billions of people into social networks and convinces them to spend significant time engaging in the social network. The trick of social media marketing success is to JOIN this community and harness its power. So, rather than disrupting the conversation, join the conversation. Become an integral part of the community — someone everyone recognizes and welcomes because you share fun and interesting things with them. Guy Kawasaki is a master of this and employs a staff to find and share interesting images, videos, and news at Alltop and really interesting stuff is posted as “Holy Kaw”. Use the community. Studies and experience show people engage more when they’re a part of something. So, ask the community to contribute content such as a cool video or suggestions for a brand name.

American Social Networks

For instance, I built a brand community on Facebook called my Social Media Marketing Tribe. While most advertising (traditional media) is designed for mass consumption, social media involves one-on-one marketing. That means the message should appear addressed to individual users. Hence, marketers need to understand their target market ON EACH NETWORK so messages appear tailored to the individual. While you may have a broad target market, the ones on Facebook may be entirely different from the ones on YouTube and adapting your approach in each network is key to your success. One aspect I didn’t focus on in that post from 2012 is the role of real-time marketing on digital media. And, that changes how a campaign comes together. No longer do you have an art department, a music department, and post-production department. You need folks who bring multiple skills to the campaign. Video is the same way. You create a number of videos without the benefit of script writers, storyboarding, and editing. There’s not time for that. Instead, you need folks who can create video on a tight budget and upload them to YouTube, which might require some HTML/CSS. Probably the biggest change in 2012 is the emphasis on analytics, which reflects a major difference between traditional media and social networking. With traditional media, we know next to nothing about how successful our campaign was because the tools for tracking performance, with the exception of direct media, are inferential. With digital media, the marketer is inundated with data. Now, the challenge is making sense of it all. What Do YOU Think? Do you see other differences between traditional media and social networking? How are you achieving social media marketing success? We welcome the opportunity to show you how we can make your marketing SIZZLE with our data-driven, results-oriented marketing strategies. Sign up for our FREE newsletter, get the 1st chapter of our book on digital marketing analytics - FREE, or contact us for more information on hiring us.

Do your customers look for more information on certain products before making a purchase?

Social media has become one of the most used marketing tools on the internet today. Social media can be good or bad for your business and this is something to remember and live by. Remember while you can generate positive interest, it is just as easy to generate negative results, so you want to focus on your social engagement and ensure that you retain a good online reputation at all ties. It is essential that you take the time to listen to your customers, both online and offline. Is there certain questions a large percentage of your customers ask about your products? Do your customers look for more information on certain products before making a purchase? What can you add to your clients experience to help them with their choices? Maybe writing an interesting post on social media answering some of the questions is the first step to reaching your audience and new clients on a daily basis.

about social mediaIt is very important that you take note of all the comments that you receive to your social media page, good and bad. Facebook, for example, enables you to have a review button where clients can review your company, you can remove this option, but it will also remove the map of your location. If you choose to keep it on, then ensure that you respond to each and every comment and review, providing a positive answer and assisting the client. Clients will see you are trying to resolve any issues and will feel more confident dealing with your company moving forward. Ensure you add high quality pictures and make use of informative and how to videos to attract more clients to your social media page. Every affordable SEO package will encourage you to attract more clients to your website and you can do this through social media. People on social media enjoy browsing pictures, reading interesting articles and watching videos. Always ensure the videos and pictures you upload are relevant to your industry and is something your customers will find interesting and hopefully want to share with their contact group. Make use of promotions, competitions and offers.

Social Media Intelligence

The more competitions or promotions that you run, the more interest you can create. Getting people to like your page, share the picture and have a chance to win is a great way to generate more interest and have more customers joining your page moving forward. One of the most interesting things that companies will find helps them increase their social engagement is to ask questions. Ask questions relevant to your industry and give your clients chances to reply. Get a good conversation going and remain in the conversation wherever possible to ensure that your clients always feel that you are there to assist them and are on hand when they need you. The final thing to be very careful of is to ensure that you respond to each private message that you receive via social media so that your clients can always feel connected. Don't automatically assume interested clients are going to email you directly, many will make use of the social media tools to get in contact, so keep an eye out for this.

Social Media Press Release

I think we can all feel confident when saying “social media is here and here to stay.” What we probably are not so comfortable with is juggling our social media endeavors with our personal life. I’m sure social media doesn’t take away all of your personal life, but it can impose on it greatly if you aren’t careful. There are probably people who haven’t even begun to dabble in the social media world for fear of not having time or it taking up too much time. However, at this point in the world, you really can’t afford not to be a part of social media. In either case, listed below are 10 tips to avoid losing out on life and how to manage your social media time. 1. Just Skim: When beginning a promotion, most of the first phase is conducting research and reading. Whether it’s Facebook, Twitter, blogs or websites, to cut down on time spent, just skim it.

Choose wisely and be sure whatever it is adding value.

about social mediaBy doing this, you can pull what you feel is worth spending your time reading and not have to worry about the rest. 2. Use your RSS Feed: Be selective when subscribing to different RSS feeds, but definitely use it. Any information you want to catch up on will be listed there. These same rules apply to who you follow on Twitter and newsletters you subscribe to. Choose wisely and be sure whatever it is adding value. 3. Consider a Timer: If you’d really like to manage your online time, set an allotted amount of time dedicated for this. It may help to set a timer and when it goes off, you’ll know it’s time to move on to something else. 4. Automate whenever possible: automating can be the key to your online happiness. When you have autoresponders or auto content generators in place they can save you scads of time.

An easy and quick way to implement this might be your newsletter sign-ups. There are a variety of systems that will allow you to easily automate sign-ups. 5. Consolidate, don’t reiterate: If you are trying to keep up with everything, your Twitter, Facebook, Squidoo and a blog, there are ways to minimize updating them all. You can do so by doing it all at once. If you loved this informative article as well as you desire to get more information regarding 2019 Social Media Content Calendar Easily Plan Post generously stop by our website. ” you ask. All of these programs can be linked together so when you update one, it will go out to all social media accounts. Many of these sites can be linked together and to a main site. This main site can be your blog, if you wish. Twitterfeed is a great place where you can update your Twitter, every time you update your blog. Your Twitter can be linked to Facebook and Squidoo. If you cherished this article therefore you would like to receive more info with regards to K-Dramas 90 Screenwriters Female Bodes Future Industry i implore you to visit the website. 6. Develop a Routine: Dedicate a specific time for social media on a regular basis and stick with it.

8. Don’t be a Follower: Many people may give you their advice on which sites are the best for what. The thing to do is to decide which social media tool will benefit your needs the best. You don’t have to use them all, and if one isn’t working for you, go try a different one. 9. Plan: to make sure you’re spending this social media time wisely and to its full advantage, it may be good to make a plan. With your “dedicated social media time,” knowing to stick with the essentials and a routine put into place, developing a list of “to-dos” and goals around these should help you to stay focused. If you’re focused and determined, you’re bound not to waste any time. Today, for many business and companies around the world, social media is very much a part of their success. It’s especially essential to any kind of promotion. Although promotion does take up time, there are ways to use social media in a time responsible manner. The secret to managing your time with social media is tracking the time you actually spend on it and making any sort of adjustments necessary. Author's Bio: Dawn Pigoni of Be Social Worldwide is a certified social marketing specialist and a social media virtual assistant. Dawn offers superb social networking, social marketing and social bookmarking to WAHMs, Small Business Owners, Internet Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, and Coaches who desire to bring stunning Internet presence through social networking to their businesses. Please Register or Login to post new comment. Data Analytics Is Revolutionizing The Real Estate Industry. Here’s Why Magento Product Data Entry is Not One of Your DIY Projects!

Social Media Optimization

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Topic title: • U.S. Population With A Social Media Profile 2019
Topic covered: about social media marketing, social media and, social media marketing facebook, social or media, top new social media sites

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