It is a well known fact that for any business to become successful, its products need to be marketed properly. With the changing times, new marketing trends have evolved and nowadays marketing on the internet through social media has become the latest means of making people aware of a company's products. Given below are four ways in which advertising through the social media websites can prove beneficial for a business. Advertising through the social media sites helps product manufacturers develop a more direct relationship with people. Marketing through social networking and marketing sites, helps business face new challenges as well as create more opportunities. When it comes to marketing, most products are targeted to win the hearts of youngsters and teenagers. So, social networking and marketing is definitely the place to directly reach these customers as they undoubtedly form the biggest chunk of users frequenting these websites. Since social media provides a platform for people to interact, business can benefit if people choose to spread a good word about their products. It is a well known fact that there is no better publicity than word of mouth and social networking and marketing can be used exactly for that.
Social Network Design
Needless to say,like all industrial economies, barriers to entry for print publishers were high. The capital cost of setting up a publishing business were not insignificant and as publishers realized they could reach greater audiences with wider distribution, those capital costs increased. However, the considerable benefits were that whoever had the wilder distribution controlled the story, the news and the information. Until very recently,it was a few media proprietors, from around the world that were the arbiters of what we could or should know. A new media has introduced new industry, new professions, and new business models. Advertising has been enabled to support, even carry a media channel. Musical recordings from the 1800s introduced the first "new" mass media. What were first only music recordings on "clay" records eventually evolved to the vinyl recordings of the later half of the last century? The music recordings alone is worth billions of Dollars worldwide today.
Music was not the only recorded content. In the 1970s movies appeared on video cassettes and a second major content category for the recording industry was created. Movies started off as a rental business but then added video cassette sales and then the DVD sales and rentals. The movies sold and recorded on DVDs today are worth about 20 Billion Dollar or nearly as much as Hollywood earns on the Box Office "cinema" income of first-run movies. Early recording were music concerts, longer symphonic orchestra music, which was what you would go to listen to if you went to the theater to listen to a concert. The recording industry then innovated and created shorter forms of music, inventing the pop song of about 3 minutes in length. This was not viable on the stage, 'we don't go listen to the London Symphony Orchestra play 3 minutes'. Musicians, because of the reach their music had, were able to branch into other media, most notably radio and the movies. It meant for the first time you did not have to be wealthy, to go to the opera, own your own instruments to be able to enjoy music.
Online Social Media Websites
It was also like publishing a controlled economy and distribution system. Analogue recordings created a new industry, the music business, and slowly cannibalized music from print. The mobile is the ultimate alert and news media, faster by several order of magnitude over any other. The mobile is the firs always-carried mass media. The phone is with us literally within arm's reach, at all times. Seven out of ten people sleep with the phone within arm's reach, even at night. Also, the mobile is the first mass media with a built-in payment mechanism. It has a click-to-buy mechanism to buy any content, any service, any product, anytime, anywhere, by anyone. No credit cards nor Bank accounts. You can buy books, CDs, ringbacktones, video games, movie tickets, hotel reservations. Click-to-buy insurance,parking, fishing, license, speeding ticket. Anything you want and have to use the mobile, you just have to click-to-buy. This is the newest mass media, and will soon be the most powerful mass media on the planet.
It has enormous implication to the current giant, TV, and to it revenue engine-advertising. It has a huge implication to the Internet,which will soon be overtaken in importance by mobile. Mobile to the Internet is like TV is to radio. The mobile is superior to the Internet. Twitter was founded by Jack Dorsey, Noah Glass, Biz Stone, and Evan Williams The public introduction began in March 2006 inside San Francisco podcasting company Odeo, says Mark Glasser. He then went to explain that 'Odeo' was co-founded by Noah by Noah Glass . The only difference is that I am not getting a big fat cheque for writing this. Certainly Technology, Technique have and are still expanding man's soul. Being and reaches. The process of massification corresponds, moreover, to the disappearing of anything resembling a community. We may now ask what position were in today with respect to these factors insofar a technique is concerned. What excites the Crowd? Performance - whether performance in sports (the result of a sporting technique) or economic performance , in reality they are the same thing.
He is no longer permitted to display any personal power.
Technique is the instrument of performance. What is important is to get higher and faster; the object of the performance means little. The act is sufficient unto itself. He is reduced, in the process, to a near utility. Even if he is not a worker on the assembly line, his share of the autonomy and individual initiative becomes smaller. He is constrained and repressed in thought and action by an omnivorous reality which is external to him and imposed upon him. He is no longer permitted to display any personal power. A good method applied by an imbecile does not yield good results; and a technique used by a man full of rancor, disgust, or resentment, or by a man who detests it, will not be very efficient. Research, therefore, has taken two directions. It has concerned itself with making the interests of man and technique correspond, thus rendering technique flexible. It has also attempted to take human nature into account in order to keep man from being crushed by technique, thereby becoming an obstacle to technique. Man is not supposed to be merely a technical object, but a participant in a complicated movement.
His fatigue, pleasures, nerves, an opinions are carefully taken into account. Attention is paid o his reactions to orders, his phobias and his earning. All this fills the uneasy with hope from the moment man is taken seriously. It seems to them that they are witnessing the creation of a Technical Humanism. There is no doubt that technique can counter technique; and abstractly man can thereby be restored to unity. A group of techniques is to be formed, therefore, centered on a concept of man and activated by the human techniques. The liberation of man, not only by technique in general, but specifically through the agency of human techniques, a liberation which proceeds as much from within man as from without. With the help of the human sciences, man will be freed from technocracy itself. This is related to the technologies already discussed above. To understand online culture, though, we must release our transportation and conduit assumptions because they are no longer functional. We move, again, to a listening mode.
As effective listeners have known all along, to receive a message, you cannot be just a receptacle, instead, you reach out to meet the message — the idea, the meaning, the feeling — at least halfway. The listening itself is in motion taking action, traveling, connecting, accessing. Martin Buber has shown that humans' fundamental presence for each other cannot be psychological, but is relational. The "between" where we meet is where we really live and are present for each other, not in our minds. Similarly, on-line communication is conducted in a digitized "between" region. While our culture has become more computer-saturated, we've noticed important clues that these newer forms of communication are experientially very similar to what we've previously understood as listening . What I am saying is that many people do not know this and they think it is part of their routine or how they roll in life. This, Ellul contends, produces and creates a new human being. It is worth noting the role of technique in affecting and applying this change to the targeted audience, and it is this mutation, which Ellul alludes to that we should learn more about.
The Meaning Of Social Media
The article below is important for this Hub because it goes even much more in-depth about this phenomenon which seemingly is normal, but in effect it has been induced and grilled/drilled into our psyches and consciousness. The introduction and use of technologies that are constantly emerging, is a haven for the advertisers to get more customers and hoards of shoppers for whatever they are hawking so that they can realize their profits. This cannot be spun any other way. Modern society is moving toward a mass society, but the human being is still not fully adapted to this new form. The purpose of human techniques is to defend man, and the first line of defense is that he be able to live. Material techniques usually result in a collective social form by means of a process which is largely involuntary. But it is sometimes voluntary; the technician, in agreement with the technical data, may consider a collectivity a higher social form.
Involuntary and voluntary action are both to be observed, for example, in the sphere of psychological collectivization. I have indicated . I shall refer to one other striking phenomenon of involuntary psychological collectivization; advertising. The primary purpose of advertising technique is the creation of a certain way of life. And here it is much less important to convince the individual rationally than to implant in him a certain conception of life. The object offered for sale by the advertiser is naturally indispensable to the realization of this way of life. Now, objects advertised are all the result of the same technical progress and are all of identical type from a cultural point of view. Therefore, advertisements seeking to prove that these objects are indispensable refer to the same conception of the world, man, progress, ideals - in short, life. Once again we are confronted by a technical phenomenon completely indifferent to all local and accidental differences. Indeed, American, Soviet and Nazi advertisements are in inspiration closely akin; they express the same conception of life, despite all superficial differences of doctrine.
It accomplishes this by playing down all other human tendencies.
The Soviet Union, after having for a period violently rejected the technical system of advertising publicity, had more recently found it indispensable. Advertising, which is founded on massive psychological research that must be effective, can "put across" the technical way of life. Any man who buys a given object participates in this way of life and, by falling prey to the compulsive power of advertising, enters involuntarily and unconsciously into its psychological framework. One of the great designs of advertising is to create needs; but this is possible only if these needs correspond to an ideal of life that man accepts. Advertising goes about its task of creating a psychological collectivism by mobilizing certain human tendencies in order to introduce the individual into the world of technique. Advertising also carries these tendencies to the ideal, absolute limit. It accomplishes this by playing down all other human tendencies. Every man is concerned, for example, Write Social Media Policy Company about his bodily health - but show him Superman and it becomes his destiny to be Superman. In addition, advertising offers man the means for realizing material desires which hitherto had the tiresome propensity of not being realized.
In these three way, psychological collectivism is brought into being. Advertising must affect all people; or at least an overwhelming majority. Its goal is to persuade the masses to buy. It is therefore necessary to base advertising on general psychological laws, which must then be unilaterally developed by it. The inevitable consequence is the creation of the mass man. As advertising of the most varied products is concentrated, a new type of human being, precise and generalized, emerges. We can get a general impression of this new human type by studying America, where human beings tend clearly to become identified with the ideal of advertising. In America, advertising enjoys universal popular adherence, and the American way of life is fashioned by it. In addition to the involuntary, psychological activity which leads to the creation of the mass man, there are certain conscious means which can be used to attain the same end.
We must not misunderstand the qualification conscious in this connection. The degree of choice is very small; the process is effectively conditioned by material techniques and the beliefs they engender. However, this consciously concerted action is geared to psychological collectivization and, unlike advertising techniques, exerts a direct effect. It has a twofold basis and a twofold orientation, and centers about the notions of group integration and unanimity. Up to now, in discussing human techniques we have considered only man's need for adaptation with a view to his happiness or, at least, his equilibrium. This plays a role here too. For example, it can be shown that in our society the individual experiences tranquility only in a consciously gregarious state. This involves not only the undeniable "strength of unity" and "forgetfulness of one's lot in the crowd," but also the conscious recognition of the need to apply adequate remedies to social dangers. In our culture, the person who is not consciously adapted to his group cannot put up adequate resistance.
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Lewin's studies of anti-Semitism, for example, indicate that the Zionist groups with their collective psychology were able to withstand persecution much more readily than were the unorganized Jews who had retained an individualistic mentality. It cannot be denied that this kind of conscious psychological adaptation, which gives the individual a chance to survive and even be happy, can produce beneficial effects. Though he loses much personal responsibility, he gains as compensation a spirit of co-operation and a certain self-respect in his relations with other members of the group. These are eminently collectivist virtues, but they are not negligible, and they assure the individual a certain human dignity in the collectivity of mass men. But there are more compelling realities. The tendency toward psychological collectivization does not have man's welfare as its end. It is designed just as well for his exploitation. In today's world, psychological collectivization is the sine qua non of technical action. Human activity in the technical milieu must correspond to this milieu and also must be collective.
It must belong to the order of the conditioned reflex. Complete human discipline must respond to technical necessity. And as the technical milieu concerns all men, no mere handful of them but the totality of society is to be conditioned in this way. The reflex must be a collective one. Psychological conditioning presupposes collectivity, for masses of men are more receptive to suggestion than individuals, and, as we have seen, suggestion is one of the most important weapons in the psychological arsenal. At the same time, the masses are intolerant and think everything must be black or white. This results from the moral categories imposed by technique and is possible only if the masses are of a single mind and if countercurrents are not permitted to form. The conditions for psychological efficiency are, first, group integration and, second, group unanimity. The purpose of psychological methods is to neutralize or eliminate aberrant individuals and tendencies to fractionation.
Simultaneously, the tendency to collectivization is reinforced in order to "immunize" the environment against any possible virus of disagreement. When psychological techniques, in close co-operation with material techniques, have at last succeeded in creating unity, all possible diversity will have disappeared and the human race will have become a bloc of complete and irrational solidarity. The new order was meant to be a buffer between man and nature. The new milieu has its own specific laws which are not the laws of organic or inorganic matter. Man is still ignorant of these laws. It nevertheless begins to appear with crushing finality that a new necessity is taking over from the old. In our cities there is no more day or night or heat or cold. But there is overpopulation, thraldom to press and television, total absence of purpose. All men are constrained by means external to them to ends equally external. The further the technical mechanism develops which allows us to escape natural necessity, the more we are subjected to artificial technical necessities.
The artificial necessity of technique is not less harsh and implacable for being much less obviously menacing than natural necessity. Alongside these parades of mere verbalisms, there has been a real effort, on the part of the technicians themselves, to control the future of technical evolution. The principle here is the old one we have so often encountered: "A technical problem demands a technical solution." At present, there are two kinds of new techniques which the technicians propose as solutions. The first solution hinges on the creation of new technical instruments able to mediate between man and his new technical milieu. In the machine, the notion of finality makes its appearance, a notion sometimes attributed in living beings to some intelligence inherent in the species, innate to life itself. Finality is artificially built into the machine and regulates it, an effect requiring that some factor be modified or reinforced so that the effect itself does not disturb the equilibrium .
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Topic title: 4 Ways In Which Social Media Can Help Improve Business
Topic covered: 4 social networking sites, articles regarding social media, hottest social media sites, other social networks, social media de