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Thursday 14 November 2019

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Healthy Recipes And Effective Social Marketing Campaign Improve Eating Habits

Food Hero was launched by the OSU Extension Service in 2009 in an effort to encourage healthy eating among low-income Oregonians. Melinda Manore, a professor of nutrition in the College of Public Health and Human Sciences at OSU and co-author of the studies. The social marketing program is led by Lauren Tobey of Extension Family and Community Health at OSU, and Tobey is lead author of the studies. Food Hero is funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Food and Nutrition Service's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Education, or SNAP-Ed. SNAP-Ed focuses on obesity prevention within low-income households. One of the new studies, published in the journal Nutrients, explores how Food Hero was developed and tested. The goal of the program is to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among those eligible for SNAP benefits in Oregon, with a particular focus on low-income mothers. The campaign's strategy includes providing clearly focused messages, writing in plain language, being positive and realistic with the messaging, and offering simple tools for action that include an explanation of what to do and how to do it. The campaign has been effective in part because educators stayed focused on their target audience, the researchers said.

The recipes also are being tested with children who complete surveys or participate in a vote.

The other study, published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, examines Food Hero's recipe project in more depth. The recipes used in the Food Hero campaign are formulated to be healthy, tasty and kid-friendly. To date, the Food Hero recipes have been accessed millions of times via the website and social media sites such as Pinterest. The recipes also are being tested with children who complete surveys or participate in a vote. Parents and caregivers are also surveyed after their children participate in tasting exercises. As Food Hero's tips, tools and recipes get shared in person, online, through the media and via social media, the program's reach also expands beyond the initial audience, the researchers said. Recipes from the program are now being used around the world, and in 2015, the recipes on the Food Hero website received more than 290,000 page views. In addition to their collaborations with Oregon partners such as the Department of Human Services, Department of Education and Oregon Health Authority, Food Hero program leaders are sharing materials and ideas with public health and SNAP-Ed programs in other states. Anyone interested can also subscribe to Food Hero Monthly, an electronic magazine that includes recipes and tips.

Top Social Media News Sites

In this list, we’re going to take a look at the top social networking sites on the Web, along with creative ways you can use these sites to find information, look for people, and keep track of trending topics. LinkedIn is a social networking site designed for people in professional occupations with a very important twist: it’s focused primarily on business and job contacts. It serves to help individuals and companies to build and maintain them. It is mainly used for professional networking, founded in December 2002 this gives professionals an advantage to be more successful and productive in their careers. If you’re looking for a new position, LinkedIn is an excellent resource to tap into. Pinterest is an online fast-growing social pinboard-style photo sharing website where users collect and share their favorite collections such as events, hobbies, interests, and more. Users can browse other pinboards for inspiration, ‘re-pin’ images to their own collections or ‘like’ photos. Pinterest is a one of the fastest growing social networks since its launch in 2010; it is growing at a fantastic rate, making it one of the most popular places on the Web, especially for women. Google Inc. Its aims to make sharing on the web more like sharing in real life. Or find people from your high school, college, work or hometown to swap stories with. It was launched on June 28, 2011 with integrations across a number of Google products, including Profiles and Buzz. As of December 2012, Google Plus has a total of 500 million registered users of whom 235 million are active on a monthly basis.

Social Network Web

Ever wondered how other sectors are using social media, and whether you can steal a tip from the advertising or entertainment profession to boost your business? If you're in advertising you will have to bite the bullet on social media if you want to continue to offer a full range of marketing services to your clients. Some agencies have not figured out Web 1.0 let alone social media, and naturally feel that social media (controlled by the customer) is the antithesis of advertising. But good marketing today doesn't try to 'sell' the customer on something. It tries to help them buy it. Here's where social media is perfectly positioned to launch a brand, run crazy Facebook groups that hit a million Likes and use the tools internally to collaborate on projects. Advertising doesn't normally get into the realm of customer service or aftercare either. But social media enables you to keep in touch with customers, watch what other brands are doing and learn from it for future campaigns.

You can make content portable so customers can consume it where they choose, even on mobile platforms, and well-done search advertising and email marketing campaigns will knock the socks of results in traditional media for a fraction of the cost. The entertainment industry has obviously bought into digital social media since the benefits of viral marketing alone can now break an indie movie into the big time. They are contributing to the development of social media further with linked-up contests, applications, animations, interactive communication and creative displays. Watch this sector for the best examples of creative ways to apply social media to market your brand. This sector has cottoned on to using social media to build dossiers on company movement, looking at hiring, firing and therefore shares and investment opportunities. Many online users have no idea that their personal data is being farmed in this way. But they will know that Amazon for instance, uses their data to offer them more personal buying suggestions.

SM is also a helpful tool for identifying the right customers, and banks are perfectly entitled to use the information to make credit and lending decisions as information on social networks is clearly labelled as public. Credit card companies are already using social media to launch new products. Some hospitals have indicated they are at the cutting-edge of medicine by tweeting live procedures from operating theatres! This creates excitement and raises public awareness for healthcare organizations. Will we soon see Facebook offered as part of a convalescence package for private hospital patients? SM is currently used in training healthcare professionals, and provides a forum for asking and answering patient or staff questions, sharing success stories and communicating the latest information to patients, speedily - particularly crucial during national disasters. Along with travel and tourism, the real estate market has seen the most benefit from social media marketing. Drops in market sales in 2010 have affected this profession significantly forcing a more creative approach. By using photo and video sharing to enhance listings, along with professional networking sites to hone their sales skills, home sellers have clinched sales in tough times. Agents, brokers and realtors have all found successes in lead generation, sales and brand building through use of mass audience social platforms. Some real estate companies are on every platform and making the most of every link. Couple that with using social media internally and training staff on sites that offer scheduling for appointments and contacts, and social media is the tool that every real estate veteran has to have nailed.

what is the use of social mediaSocial Bookmarking is an online Web2.0 property that enables you to submit your links to the best bookmarking sites for seo(search engine optimization). Visitors from all around the world see your content and reshare them to other potential niches of the internet. As a result the organic traffic potential is quite high from bookmarking in high pr sites. To know more about using social bookmarking sites for long term seo benefits please read our post on how to use social bookmarking for seo. Bookmarking sites usually have a one-time registration procedure. So creating your account in the bookmarking site is the first step. Once that is done then you need to create a strong profile with as much as data as you can give. If it is for your company then make sure to include the official website url in your profile. You can get extra ranking advantage by submitting your links to the following Top 20 Social Bookmarking Sites. However keep in mind that since these sites are moderated daily your links might take time to appear in their main index. Daily moderation helps keep the SPAM count super low. So you don't have to worry about any Google penalty as these bookmarking sites hold high authority in Google's eyes. Check out the best bookmarking sites with Google PageRank metrics available for each website. Simply click on each of them and start submitting your links!

social marketing examplesSocial networking sites which allow users to connect with each other online have grown into one of themost popular features on the World Wide Web. Here is a brief history some of the most popular sites which have risen to world wide popularity. 1994 - Geocites ( now closed) aimed to bring people together in the format of chatrooms where people could share ideas and thoughts. 2003- Friendster is launched attracting over 3 million users within the first few months. 2003- With the launch of Friendster the popularity and appeal of social networking sites was being recognised. Myspace built upon the key features of Friendster but gave users the ability to add music and video to their pages. Myspace was bought in July 2005 by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation. 2004 - Mark Zuckerberg creates Facebook from his college dorm as a networking site for students at Harvard University. Facebook remains one of the most popular social networking sites with over 400 million users worldwide. 2005 - Bebo launched as a networking and blogging site. Key features were a friends list and comment box. Bebo becomes part of AOL in 2008. Can be linked to other social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. 2006 - Twitter was launched as a new type of social networking site, focused on microblogging. It allows people to send ‘tweets’ and to update their status to notify people on what they are up to. Instead of having ‘friends’ users have people ‘following’ them or they follow people, allowing them users to keep up to date with what their friends are doing. Twitter became an ideal platform for celebrities to connect with their fans. 2010 - Building on the idea of Twitter, Google Buzz targets a more niche market of Gmail users, allowing them to automatically and conveniently follow existing friends. Like Twitter, intertextuality is integrated in the form of photos (Flickr), videos (YouTube) and links (Twitter).

list of top 10 social networking sitesTexting, blogs, Facebook, gaming and instant messages might seem, to some, to be just more reasons to stare at a computer screen. Thinking like that is so 2008, any middle schooler will tell you. Now a study that looked at the online habits of 800 teenagers backs them up. Co-author Lisa Tripp, now an assistant professor at Florida State University, says technology, including YouTube, iPods and podcasting, creates avenues for extending one’s circle of friends, boosts self-directed learning and fosters independence. “Certain technical skills in the coming years are not going to be just about consuming media,” she says. “It is also going to be about producing media. It is not just about writing a blog, but also how to leave comments that say something. That means anything from a video clip to a profile page is going to reflect the self-expression skills one has, so teens might as well practice what will say who they are. Social networking also contributes greatly to teens’ extended friendships and interests, Ms. Tripp says.

Social Networking Side

While the majority of teens use sites such as MySpace and Facebook to “hang out” with people they already know in real life, a smaller portion uses them to find like-minded people. Before social networking, the one kid in school who was, say, a fan of Godzilla or progressive politics might find himself isolated. These days, that youngster has peers everywhere. “This kind of communication has let teens expand their social circle by common interests,” Ms. Tripp says. Parents, however, still have an important role to play when it comes to tweens, teens and social networking, the researchers say. They need to accept that technology is a necessary and important part of the culture for young people and, other experts say, be aware of with whom the teens are communicating. It is up to parents to monitor what is being expressed, she says. She recommends that parents “have a presence” in their child’s online social network. That doesn’t necessarily mean “friending,” communicating and commenting, but it does mean having a password or knowing who your child’s online friends are.

This New Social Network

One Fairfax County mother of a middle schooler, who asked that her name not be used to protect her daughter’s privacy, says she was skeptical at first when her daughter wanted a Facebook page. “I was hesitant for all the reasons we hear about, such as how it could bring in unwelcome visitors,” the woman says, “but eventually I realized that this is the main medium for kids keeping in touch. It has gone from e-mail to IM to texting to Facebook in such a quick progression. The woman says she stays in the loop because she knows her daughter’s password, and her daughter knows her mom can access her page whenever she wants — and can see who is there and what they are posting. A few rules: no putting your exact whereabouts on your status update, and be aware of who is tagging you in a photo because if that photo contains unflattering behavior, it could come back to haunt you. Also, the mom has a Facebook page of her own, although she is not yet among her daughter’s 100-plus friends.

“I have become accepting that there are more positives than negatives from social networking,” the woman says, noting that she is pleased to see the connection of her daughter’s network through various circles such as school and sports. “It is allowing a lot of dialogue among people who may not otherwise have a chance for a lot of dialogue.” Those are all good rules and observations, Ms. Vila says. “I like to catch parents before this whole process starts,” she says. If your kids know that you have a presence in their online community, you are acting like a chaperone. If they won’t friend you, you should at least have their password. “It is not that kids are untrustworthy,” Ms. Vila says. “It is that they often lack processing skills. Parents need to explain that images may be damaging. “A few years ago, parents were saying, ‘I don’t want any of that stuff coming into my house,’ even about video games,” she says. “Then they realized, ‘I have no choice, it is all around me.’ Now studies are saying technology is going to encourage skills for jobs we didn’t know existed. Copyright © 2019 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

social media forumsIt can be important to develop a workable social media marketing strategy. Decide which social bookmarking sites you want to target, set up a pay per click campaign, create a stir on MySpace, but make sure that you have the whole process coordinated to help achieve maximum results. The first step in a social media marketing strategy is to identify your audience, and identify WITH your audience. It is not enough to know who you are trying to reach anymore, because the Internet has made communication a two-way street. Be sure to establish avenues of communication for your clients and customers, and take steps to keep those lanes of information sharing open and active. Set realistic social media marketing strategy goals. Getting a million visitors to a brand new website requires some heavy brainstorming, as you'll need to decide where to attract those visitors from, and how to best get their attention.

list of most used social media sitesKeep your goals realistic, and set new ones when old goals have been met. Once you have goals, establish marketing procedures that are designed to make them happen. For the most traffic, social networking sites like MySpace, Facebook, and LinkedIn may be good starters sites, Artcape but don't forget the appeal of article distribution either. EzineArticles publishes hundreds of articles every day under just about any category you can think of. At the bottom of each article is what is called a "Resource Box," where links to a product or website can be clicked for easy access. This these article sites are heavily syndicated, their potential reach can be counted in the hundreds of millions. Another facet of a working media marketing strategy is the use of bookmarking and sharing sites. Digg, StumbleUpon, and Technorati are three popular bookmarking sites where people from all over the world are sharing favorite things they have found online with others.

But there are other places that can be even more effective, such as Twitter, which is a booking and social interaction site. The best social media marketing strategy will include a number of social tools and methods. Bookmarking alone is not enough, and it ties in very well with social networking sites like MySpace. Pay per click campaigns can get your product in front of more people faster, and could be crucial to the branding process. To develop a sound social marketing strategy, it is probably a good idea to discuss what you want to achieve with an Internet marketing consultant. These professionals have their finger on the pulse of social marketing, and will be able to help you make the best choices to get the most profitable results. Thee is a lot to learn and consider, and the best results will almost always come from using a complete Internet marketing package supplied through a trusted contractor.

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Topic title: Healthy Recipes And Effective Social Marketing Campaign Improve Eating Habits
Topic covered: enterprise social media, list of all social media, social media news today, social network aggregator, your social media

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