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MLM Marketing And Social Networking

MLM Marketing using Social Marketing has become a popular way to get build your network marketing business. These social marketing sites are known as authority sites with search engines like Google, because Google looks at them favorably. This is because these kind of communities have been around for awhile, have lots of changing content and huge amounts of traffic. Most of them have a very high ranking within the search engines. In this article, we'll give you some ideas for using social marketing sites for your marketing. If you post articles on social marketing sites (sometimes known as Web 2 sites), you can get ranked in the search engines more quickly, because of the overall higher authority. Some people liken this to getting into a disco for the first time. If you go to the disco alone the first time, you may not get in if you're badly dressed because you're not known to security.

Social Media Sites

all popular social mediaHowever, if you don't dress appropriately, and go to the disco with some friends who have already been a number of times, security will most likely let you in straight away. It's the same with the social marketing sites - Google will "let you in" sooner and more easily because you are associating with "friends" that Google knows already. You can build a brand (a name) for yourself if you post some articles on different Web 2 communities. In addition, when you create your own website, if you place a link to your website from the social marketing sites, you will assist your own site to be seen on the search engines more quickly. This happens because you are creating a relationship between a highly ranked social marketing site and your own website. One example of a social marketing site is a Squidoo Lens. You can create your own Lens (a web page on Squidoo), put some articles on the lens, and create a link to your blog, your network marketing product page or an affiliate page.

There is a lot of advertising on Squidoo, so if you do get some visitors, they probably won't stay on your page for long because the advertising is distracting for visitors. However, the advantage is that your page will be seen as a "friend" of the community. Therefore, if you link to your own website from Squidoo, this will help your site to be indexed (listed with) in the search engines. Another example of a social marketing site is Hub Pages, which also have high authority, and there is a community of people who will probably visit your page and comment, especially if you comment on their hub pages. There are numerous other social marketing sites apart from these. Even though you post articles onto these social marketing sites, it's still important to create your own piece (or pieces) of real estate. You might be wondering why? There are many reasons for creating content on your own blog. By "your own" I mean a site hosted on a server that you pay for, and you are in full control (or you instruct someone else in what to do on your site). There is a risk associated with free blogs, Create Killer Social Media Marketing Plan social marketing communities and anything that you don't own yourself. They can be taken away from you at anytime, if you break any rules. Or, the site could close down for some reason, and all the content could just disappear into cyberspace. I have experienced that situation myself and lost a huge amount of content, which had been ranked very high on the search engines. This set me back a long way in my business.

This is the biggest reason I believe that this marketing phenomenon will stick around for long.

So what do you want to do with your business? Do you want to make it like a child having no social life? If that is the case, I am sorry you and your business will eventually not survive due to this reclusive behavior. You should be aware of the fact that social media adoption by the U.S. 2009, SBSI (Small Business Survival Index) recently found out that one out of every five business owners is using social media for the promotion purposes. So ever wondered why? 75% of the companies have their business pages on social media networks like facebook, LinkedIn etc. because today’s business owners prefer not to spend extra money over the traditional media. This is the biggest reason I believe that this marketing phenomenon will stick around for long. Day by day, market is becoming consumer- driven and if the business doesn’t change with the changing marketing trends then it would rather not survive. It’s the social media that can help you stand head and shoulder above the rest.

Popular Social Media

It's not a surprise that the two fastest-growing mediums on the web are Social and Mobile. With the blast off of Social Networks including Facebook and the microblogging engines like Twitter, people have become amassed with building their social network presence online. In many cases, people are trying to build their brand online and improve their Klout, which was a company who is measuring the online influence of users in social media. None of this is going to change with the rise of mobile smartphones and the decline of the desktop computer. For one, people will not stop in their pursuit to find the best app for your mobile phone. Apps are great utilities and can help users find what they need when they want it. However, the app developers realize that what people want is to be social and interact with their friends. That is why these WhatsApp Status types of apps and mobile are more overlapping than many would think.

Understanding Social Media Marketing

In the mobile landscape, social apps make up over 30 percent of all apps being used on mobile devices and Games being the other big player in the mobile landscape. So the clear progression of the mobile applications is to include social into your apps and become a social game to encompass the best of both worlds, social networking, and mobile. This shouldn't come as a surprise as it wasn't just yesterday that Facebook launched and took over the world. However, mobile is still relatively new, and advancements in mobile are yet to come. For one, what about TV? People watch TV through their cable boxes and shortly, people will watch TV through their phone and connecting that to their TV. Imagine a world where there was no more cable box or TV channels and to watch x-factor on Fox, you had to download the x-factor app from fox. Then connect the app to your TV to watch and interact with the show and also interact socially with your friends as you watch the show. TV and TV shows are becoming more social, and if they can integrate with mobile in the future, they will win and be the forward thinker the world is looking for. So watch out for mobile as yes it's getting big, but the possibilities are endless, and the fun has just begun for mobile and social networks. Please Register or Login to post new comment. Three ways to become a millionaire! Is Your Self-Talk About Your Body Destroying Your Self-Confidence?

Check various graphic design companies portfolio and see if there are any interesting ideas there that you can use in your corporate identity. It is advisable that you don’t go for the professional graphic design companies that are very famous, try to search for the one that are lesser known. You know how to use internet, just search for various images relating to your company and see if they can help you out to come up with a unique idea. Make sure you are not using them as it is, try to change the overall look. Only use the idea and not the features. Clipart images are another way to go. Search for them either on internet or any software program you have. Thereby, you will be able to generate interesting ideas for your business identity. Hence, this is not all; there are thousands of other places to dig ideas from like your surroundings as well. This way you don’t have to go for tacky free logo design download. The only thing you need to do is to keenly observe each and every detail of the places and ideas that we have given you in this article.

I will be the first to admit, I was hesitant at the idea of using social media for a business when it first came out. I thought it would never work to sit at a computer and just type or push buttons instead of going out and having face-to-face conversations with people. And to a point, I was right. Social media can’t take the place of having that in-person interaction when recruiting people to your business. But over the past few years, social media has become a valuable and effective means to reach out to all new potential prospects, grow your team, and build a successful business. I have witnessed several top leaders in Network Marketing rise in the ranks because of the strategies they developed to blend social media with the “old-school” concepts that I used to build my business. And so, I’ve changed my stance. Social media is a powerful tool for your business when used appropriately. Here are a few reasons why social media is a valuable tool. With social media, you’re no longer confined to your town, city, or even country.

You can reach thousands of people around the world in an instant. Now even entrepreneurs in the smallest towns around the world can build a business without spending all of their money and time travelling to other places. You can think bigger and expand your business to reach places previously unattainable. I still believe you should travel to visit the places where you expand your business so that you can meet with team members face-to-face. But with social media, that initial reach can be online. When you do expand your business, it is important that you maintain connections and relationships with your long-distant team members. As I mentioned above, I believe you should make a point of meeting with those team members face-to-face on occasion. However, social media provides you with a way to nurture those relationships on a more consistent basis. You can keep in touch with your team members with social media through messages of encouragement or tips on best practices. Of course, that type of interaction can also be easily accomplished through an email or phone call.

Social media allows you to do this and so much more.

But with social media you can go a step further. Through simply liking a post, making a comment, or wishing them a happy birthday, you are fostering that relationship and strengthening it. Social media gives you the tools to interact with your team and prospects consistently through simple acts that let those people know you are thinking of them and invested in their success. One of the best advantages of using social media is how you can actually have the prospects come to you. Your brand—who you are, what you stand for, your interests, etc.—can attract like-minded people to you and suddenly your prospect list builds itself. Your brand will help to introduce you to more people than you’ll know what to do with. You’ll attract fans, followers, and friends and be able to build rapport with them. Social media allows you to do this and so much more. The “old-school” strategies of in-person meetings will still be a strong and effective way to recruit more prospects, but now social media can help you build an even stronger and larger team than ever before!

The recent years have seen a lot of entrepreneurs moving to online platforms to grow their business. Specifically, by using social media websites to establish a profile and brand for their company online. The importance of using social networking sites has become apparent to business owners, but unfortunately a lot of bad advice is out there on how to grow a custom social network. I've spent five years studying and participating in social networking websites, and can tell you that most of the "new" advice out there on social media marketing is wrong! In fact, "experts" are having you chase around things that can have little growth affect on your business. So what's the key to social media success? To use social networking websites to build and foster a community! One of the most important justifications I've ever seen behind this was with Barack Obama's 2008 political campaign. The election was the first to massively use social networking sites to connect with people. No matter what your political views are, his case is a case worth studying when trying to figure out how to launch your social networking campaign.

social media marketing definitionHis campaign leaders recognized the importance of social networking (which later polls would show was one of the key reasons he won) early on in the election. They went out and actually hired one of Facebook's co-founders, Chris Hughes, to run the online portion of their campaign. Now remember, we are dealing with a people who had millions of advertising dollars at hand, and almost unlimited resources and technology to reach out to people. Hughes, however, knew what Facebook (and all social networking sites) was designed for and launched a different campaign idea. His main focus was to build a strong social community around Obama. He set up the main website for Obama as its own custom social network, allowing people to register and design profiles based around the candidate, and to invite their friends to participate. Hughes knew the importance of viral marketing, and the importance of giving people the controlled power to promote their thoughts and ideas (centered on the candidate's ideas).

Hughes made sure that all of Obama's Facebook, Twitter, pod casts, and other social media forums reflected the same goal, to build an online community for the offline election. Now, Hughes did use paid advertising on Facebook, but only after the initial community had been set up. The secret to Barack Obama's online success was through building an online community around his ideas and campaigns. Hughes knew that social networking websites were designed for people to interact in online communities, and structured Obama's presence accordingly. When you build a community around your business, you're giving people the power to do all the work for you, like in Obama's case. As Obama's campaign ended, Chris Hughes came forward with the numbers he generated for the campaign. 30 million on 70,000 personal fund raising pages. Instead of trying to sell to the community that is already online looking for your product or service, you need to become a part of that community, as the expert (or a expert) in your niche. Once you have established a community around your business, you will be able to grow (and sell) your business in ways that people only imagined before. Author's Bio: Jerry Nihen runs the popular website Jay Nine Lessons. Want to learn more ways that social networking can benefit your business? Please Register or Login to post new comment. Choosing Cabinets and Counters - What’s Your Kitchen Remodel Style?

This study examines the relationship between use of Facebook, a popular online social network site, and the formation and maintenance of social capital. In addition to assessing bonding and bridging social capital, we explore a dimension of social capital that assesses one's ability to stay connected with members of a previously inhabited community, which we call maintained social capital. 286) suggest a strong association between use of Facebook and the three types of social capital, with the strongest relationship being to bridging social capital. In addition, Facebook usage was found to interact with measures of psychological well-being, suggesting that it might provide greater benefits for users experiencing low self-esteem and low life satisfaction. Our empirical results contrast with the anecdotal evidence dominating the popular press. The strong linkage between Facebook use and high school connections suggests how SNSs help maintain relations as people move from one offline community to another.

It may facilitate the same when students graduate from college, with alumni keeping their school email address and using Facebook to stay in touch with the college community. Such connections could have strong payoffs in terms of jobs, internships, and other opportunities. Colleges may want to explore ways to encourage this sort of usage. Online social network sites may play a role different from that described in early literature on virtual communities. Online interactions do not necessarily remove people from their offline world but may indeed be used to support relationships and keep people in contact, even when life changes move them away from each other. In addition to helping student populations, this use of technology could support a variety of populations, including professional researchers, neighborhood and community members, employees of companies, or others who benefit from maintained ties. Ellison, N. B., Steinfield, C., & Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites.

Facebook can be accessed online or through a mobile app.

Facebook, the largest and most popular social network, allows users to connect with friends, post status updates, "check in" to various locations, send private messages, join common interest groups, and upload photos. Users can also share personal information, like their birthdate, hometown, activities and political preferences, as well as "tag" (identify) themselves and others in uploaded photos. Facebook can be accessed online or through a mobile app. It's important to note that certain information is always available to the public, including your name, profile picture, cover photo, gender, networks, username, and user ID. Facebook has different privacy settings for many aspects of a user's social profile. Privacy settings for photos, status updates, friends' lists, and likes must all be adjusted individually. Public. This means anyone on or off Facebook. Friends. Only your friends on Facebook can see this material. Custom. This allows you to share or exclude content from select people and lists. No one but you can see these posts.

online social media websitesTo keep your information as secure as possible from strangers, avoid any "public" settings. Before posting a status, see what your potential audience will be. You can adjust this setting in two places. The first is under "Privacy Settings and Tools." Access this menu by finding the downward-pointing arrow in the top right corner. Choose "Settings," and then find "Privacy" on the left column. Here you can decide how public you want your posts to be. The other is easier to access. Click in the "Update Status" field ("What's on your mind?"). When you do, you'll see a drop-down menu just to the left of the "post" button. You can, like before, choose how public you want your posts to be. Remember, these settings are universal, not case-by-case. Once you change this status, it stays that way until you change it again. For the most privacy, select "Friends" from these options to share your thoughts, links, and pictures with just your friends. It's important to be mindful of the content you share. New babies, homes, and vacation photos are fun to pass around, but this information could compromise your identity with an enterprising cybercriminal.

Topic title: MLM Marketing And Social Networking
Topic covered: a list of social networking sites, in social media, other social networks, social platforms, top social networking sites

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