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Thursday 14 November 2019

Jayan Blogger

Maguire, L. (1983). Understanding Social Networks

In today's podcast, I speak with Dr. Lambert Maguire about social networks. Dr. Maguire discussed the development of his interest in the topic, as well as some historical context for understanding social networks. We discussed the theoretical assumptions and differential applications in research and clinical work. We end out interview with a description of how social networks can be conceptualized throughout the life span. Dr. Maguire's primary interests are in direct practice and the use of social support systems and networks in treatment, prevention, and rehabilitation. He has been the P.I. NIMH grants for both research and training, and has experience as a researcher and practitioner in mental health and substance abuse. He is currently on the editorial board or serves as a reviewer for four journals. He teaches courses in direct practice, human behavior, groups, and advanced systems. Dr. Maguire has a joint doctorate in social work and psychology from the University of Michigan and received his master's degree in social work from the University of Chicago's School of Social Service Administration. He has 25 years of practice experience with children, groups, families, and couples. Maguire, L. (1983). Understanding Social Networks. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Maguire, L. (1991). Social Support Systems In Practice: A Generalist Approach. Washington, D.C.: National Association of Social Workers (NASW) Press. Maguire, L. (2002). Clinical Social Work: Beyond Generalist Practice with Individuals, Groups, and Families. Pacific Grove, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Company. Singer, J. B. (Host).

Social Media Today News

search and social media marketingIt’s no secret a paradigm shift in consumer behavior is forcing businesses to change how they market products and services. Sixty-five percent of consumers now go online for information before making a buying decision. Moreover, millions of new websites are being added to the Internet every day. So, how do you make the Internet work cost-effectively for your local business? If you are Internet savvy, let us review your website and your present marketing effort. Likely we can save you money and help you focus your advertising for increased return. B O O S T Y O U R S A L E S & R E V E N U E I N S H O R T O R D E R . Mini-commercials working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Harness the power of the new media revolution and become an instant expert in your field.

Despite vaccination available for some of the oldest diseases in the country, ever increasing cases of this crop up every year. Recent data from the WHO showed that the number of reported measles cases have multiplied exponentially, with India being the top contributor. Measles cases have seen a 300 per cent increase in the first three months of 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018. Less than one in ten cases are reported globally, with variations by region. With this as the background to date, 2019 has seen 170 countries report 1,12,163 cases to WHO. As of this time last year, there were 28,124 measles cases from 163 countries. Countries that have reported the most number of cases include India, Ukraine, Myanmar, and Thailand. Experts believe social media plays a major role in hampering vaccination in the last few years. While some kind of reluctance has always remained including the confidence in the quality of vaccine, complacency, or difficulty in accessing the vaccines, but with rumors spreading through WhatsApp and Facebook, the hesitancy has grown folds. In February, the social networking giant was reported to have allowed advertisers to promote anti-vaccine content to nearly 9 lakh people interested in "vaccine controversies", says a report. In a recent visit to the state of Jharkhand, DNA found out that many communities were hesitant towards vaccination which was being provided free of cost. Among Muslim-dominated regions vaccination hesitancy has been a problem globally, with rumors including that the vaccine causes infertility. This line of thinking is prevalent as the community insists that vaccination programmes are part of a larger government agenda to reduce high birth rates in the Muslim community.

Things have changed immensely in the years since.

When Facebook (then called The Facebook) first launched, it was a platform for college students to meet each other - nothing more. When twitter started, it was meant to be a miniature version of a personal blog. Things have changed immensely in the years since. Over time, as the world started to realize the amazing potential of social media marketing, forward thinking organizations began incorporating social media marketing into their overall marketing mix. Generally speaking, these companies were almost exclusively B2C. Even to this day B2B companies are still skeptical of the benefits of social media for their business. The reason for this hesitance is a perceived inability to measure the effectiveness of such marketing activities. On the other hand, B2C companies were the “early adopters” of social media marketing - this dichotomy perfectly demonstrates the strong differences between B2B and B2C marketing. Content is no longer just written words such as white papers, blog posts etc. It is also visual, audio, and interactive content. Furthermore, the messaging within a social post itself can now be considered content. The rules of content marketing, as stated so many times on this blog, include not being overtly promotional.

Your company will then be at the top of their mind when it comes time to make a purchasing decision.

Rather, content is supposed to provide value to the reader - no one cares about you or your company, they want to know what is in it for them. After providing value with your content, you will then be seen as a thought-leader. Your company will then be at the top of their mind when it comes time to make a purchasing decision. In terms of the “classic” types of content, B2C companies should focus heavily on visual content. Video is king when it comes to B2C. It’s important to think about how shareable and engaging a post will be when creating a video. Make sure there are share buttons on your blog, so that readers can easily share your content across social channels with a single click. Content has evolved. Now the messaging within a social post itself is a type of content marketing. It’s important that this type of content is well thought out, specifically in terms of who the target audience is. As such, social content for B2C marketers should be more casual - including humor and even risque’ banter works as well.

B2B marketers have a vast arsenal to choose from when it comes to content marketing. While B2C marketers have the benefit of being more casual in the type of content they create, B2B marketers generally focus on more “professional” types of content. White papers, while extremely labor intensive, serve a plethora of beneficial purposes for a B2B marketer. First and foremost, white papers are a tool for lead generation. Given how in-depth a white paper can be, and how much information it provides to the reader, people are more willing to give their personal details to access it. Lead generation is the most important goal for B2B marketers, so the man hours required to write them are more than worth it. However, B2B content is traditionally about lead generation, which leads companies to gate their content behind a sign up form. If you want to make your content shareable on social media reconsider this method and find other ways to generate leads without having to gate content.

For example, you can use pop ups instead and a request a sign up rather than demand it. According to a recent study, case studies are the most effective tool for lead generation. They also prove to your target market that your product or service is an effective choice for them. It helps if the case study focuses on a customer that is well known. Webinars are a great example of how content marketing now encompasses a wide array of media, not just blog posts. Creating a webinar not only serves the immediate goal of getting people to sign up, therefore getting their information for continued nurturing until they are ready to go to sales, they give you an amazing amount of content to repurpose. When recorded, webinars can be sliced and diced to create tons of different pieces of content. The content of a webinar can be used for multiple blog posts, podcasts, and even case studies.

The line between sales and marketing is not as clear as it used to be. One example of this is the materials sent to prospects to help them get a better idea of your product or service. One pagers generally give an easily digestible overview of the benefits and features of what your company offers. For best results, make sure your one pager is visually pleasing; using bullet points is also more effective than long paragraphs. When you think of infographics, you generally think of it as a B2C tactic. This is not the case. Infographics can actually be more beneficial to B2B companies. B2Bs tend to have a wealth of data and analytics that can be put into graphical form. Using internal data to create an awesome infographic is a powerful tool to get media coverage. There is nothing a blogger likes more than a well done infographic. As mentioned earlier, social media was something entirely different than it is today at its inception. Today, we are seeing a proliferation of social channels. That is, we are now seeing niche social networks focusing on one form of communications or media.

For example, Pinterest and Instagram focus on visuals while Soundcloud is for audio and Youtube and Vine are for videos. With the wide variety of social channels available to marketers nowadays, it’s important to note the most effective channels for B2B and B2C. The gold standard for B2C social media marketing; it was the first social channel and remains a staple of any effective B2C social media strategy. Should you loved this article and you want to receive much more information with regards to Best Social Media i implore you to visit our page. Facebook, for B2C, is an amazing tool for community engagement, customer support, and promotion. Twitter is one of the only “open” social networks. This means that any tweet you create can be seen by anyone. However, it is important to understand how to make sure your tweets are getting the most visibility possible. Make sure to research hashtags, come up with creative campaigns, and engage with well known people in your field. Don’t forget to engage with your community on a regular basis as well!

Take pictures in the office and post them on a regular basis.

Visual content is an incredibly effective tool for B2C marketers. Instagram, as a social network focused on pictures, can be used to give a personal face to your company. Take pictures in the office and post them on a regular basis. Selfies are always a good choice. Video content is one of the best ways to capture your audience’s attention. Creating fun videos is something all B2C marketers should focus on. While production value is important, there certainly is value to a less polished video - it gives your company more personality. There are three social networks (LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook) that B2B marketers need to focus on. However, LinkedIn stands out as the absolute most important. Discussion Groups, in particular, should be leveraged as much as possible for not only engagement, but content distribution. Make sure that when distributing content through groups, you are not coming off as too promotional.

Social Media Seo

in social mediaThis post has outlined the many differences between B2C and B2B social media marketing, but the one that sticks out the most is lead generation. Simply put, lead generation is the ultimate goal of B2B social media marketing, while B2C has different goals. Given the nature of B2C marketing in general, B2C social media marketing focuses mainly on community engagement and awareness. Virality is the key stone to a B2C social media strategy. Creating viral content is a product of focusing on increasing awareness through social media. The number one goal for B2B marketers with regards to their content is lead generation. However, the number one way they measure their content’s effectiveness is web traffic. While this statistic seems to make no sense, it clearly shows the perception in the B2B community that there is no way to measure the real effectiveness of social media marketing. By utilizing a social media marketing platform designed for B2B marketers, such as Oktopost, 11 Popular Social Media Sites World Banned Cryptocurrency ICOs it is now possible to see the direct link between social posting and lead generation. What are your thoughts on the differences between social media marketing for B2B and B2C? Leave a comment below and let us know!

Social Media Of Socialmedia

Millions of people use social media marketing networks to communicate with friends, family members and business associates. Most networks have brilliant tools that clients can use to send messages, pictures and videos. It has been observed that when communities change, most people travel to diverse localities to find job or other ways of earning. They depart behind many friends and business acquaintances. Social media websites play an important role in this scenario. It helps these displaced people to remain available to communicate without any difficulty with their families and friends. Moreover, it also helps to maintain friendship for several years. Social networks can aid organizations in arranging unique events. These events can include family members and friends. Multicolored posters of the event can be uploaded on the social media websites. When the planner knows about the number of people coming to take part, a striking event can be consequently planned.

What's A New Social Network Site

A majority of business houses want potential consumers to become associates of their social media marketing websites. In this way, the unique popularity of their brand gets further enhanced, followed by an increase in income. When joining a company's associates or friends group, consumers may receive discount offers or special coupons for the most popular brand liked by them. A company giving its devoted customer a special coupon or discount goes in its favor. The cheerful and satisfactory clients extend the word to their loved ones to join the company’s network. The social media marketing websites are a convenient way for clients to stay in contact with family members or friends. The companies get a more trustworthy status when they succeed to create a dynamic presence on the social media networks. They can exhibit what consumers anticipate from their existing brands. The links to social web-pages should be significantly displayed, making the search easier for the clients. Both individuals and companies need social media marketing to attain good rankings when consumers are searching for their products.

newspaper articles on social mediaInformation on the websites will be valuable for consumers if they can locate it easily. Broken links on a web page can hamper a company from growing further. Many individuals and companies are employing social marketing strategies to increase the digit of likes on their websites. Business owners use special sites to effect communication. Each social media network attracts precise markets. Every social website has a foundation of members with parallel backgrounds. This serves as a good source of information, and most companies use the same to locate probable customers and trade buddies. Other relevant facts may be found such as meeting dates, and proficient testimonials. Every hour, social media marketing networks attract numerous visitors. This is a vast spot on the internet to promote a product or its associated service. Consumers are progressively more whirling towards social networks to find their popular brand. They are also spending more time on different search engines to locate the best company. Social media websites help people to warmly reach their friends and family members. These websites are efficient at building clients feel unperturbed while sharing online.

50 TV markets by DMA.

March 2014: These unique lists feature the circulation figures of the top 100 daily newspapers in the United States, the 25 most popular English-language blogs, the 25 leading consumer magazines, and the top 25 Entertainment blogs. Updated whenever significant new information becomes available, this desktop reference also includes the traffic rankings for the 10 most frequented social networks, the top 25 U.S. 50 U.S. daily newspapers online. New to the list this year, BurrellesLuce has added rankings for the top 25 U.S. 50 TV markets by DMA. Technorati Authority on February 27, 2014 was used U.S. English-Language blog rankings and Entertainment blog rankings. Download your copy of the new 2014 Top Media Outlets, today, by filling out the form below. A one-time registration is all it takes to access our library of free resources. Want to see how circulation, authority, traffic, and popularity compare over time? Download an archived version here.

Social Network Web

social net sitesDebate over web is already going on that how social media will be in the coming year. Many trends watchers and trend makers have published research articles to predict the future aspects of social media by keeping the trends of past years in mind. Therefore, I have decided to review all the authority articles to see what conclusion we can extract about social media in the next year. One authority article which has been published on Harvard Business Publishing is titled “Six Social Media Trends of 2010” and written by David Armano, who is a part of Dachis Group, an Austin based consultancy delivering social business design service. As Harvard is famous for business reviews, same essence of business philosophy can be found in the article. “So what could social media look like in 2010? One other very important prediction is done about social media is that; most of the companies will have social media policy for the coming year.

Topic title: Maguire, L. (1983). Understanding Social Networks
Topic covered: best social media networks, latest news about social networking sites, so media, social media as a marketing, top social networks in the world

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