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Thursday, 14 November 2019

Jayan Blogger

Interested To Learn More About Social Networking?

For a wide variety of professional services, joining a niche social network for your industry is a great way to learn from others, share your expertise, and create opportunities for referrals online. If you are in trade, retail or some professional service categories, getting listed in an online directory can also get you more exposure online. Directory sites where customers can post or rate their experiences with service providers give you a great opportunity to build an online reputation and get online referrals. Fill in your profile completely. Add the photo, list your full range of services. Add as much information as you can. An incomplete listing makes you look unprofessional and disinterested in attracting new business. Visitors will always be drawn to the most interesting and comprehensive listings not anonymous silhouettes with only a name and a phone number. Participate. Frequently. Share your questions. Answer other peoples questions, and be a valuable resource.

Overtime you will build a reputation and the leads will start to follow.

The same "Givers Gain" principles apply here. Frequent participation creates relationships in the same way as BNI or any other in person networking group.. Overextend your activities. Sign up for a few, rather than all the opportunities you see for your industry. Pick the most active site and start there. Its much, much better to be a frequent contributor on one or two sites, than join them all and barely participate. Flog Your Services. Social networks are online communities. The same rules of in-person networking applies here. Don't stand up in the online room and drone on about why people should buy from you. Demonstrate the value of your services through your interactions and knowledge. If you pick the right one or two sites, and work them consistently, you will quickly see some results on your efforts. Overtime you will build a reputation and the leads will start to follow. Caroline Wright is a professional virtual assistant. FREE e-Course: Social Media and How to Use it Effectively in Your Business.

Users trust their contacts to not send bad links, not trying to infect their computers and take good care of their personal data. URL shorteners are also a security concern and should be taken very seriously. There are problems in social networking sites from legal point of view such as violation user’s data protection rights, identity fraud, absence of uniform rule at the international level. Some social network sites do not have privacy controls in place, or the ones they have do not protect all user data. 1. Keep your information as general as possible. 2. Read the privacy policy of social networking sites. 4. If you are using social networks to meet new people you should create a special account for that. 5. Do not click any unknown or suspicious hyperlinks. 6. Remember any data that you publish in the Internet it will be there forever and anyone could use and share them.

The origins of Facebook are available to the general public.

How did Mark Zuckerberg change the world? He built a global community that brings people closer together. The origins of Facebook are available to the general public. Everyone is familiar with the story of building social network platform that will greatly impact human relations and economy. Mark's vision of community opened a door to many variations of social media network platforms that today exist. Jack Dorsey created Twitter in March 2006. Rome may not have been built in a day, but Twitter was built in just two weeks, says Jack. A few years later Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger built a pared - down photo app today known as Instagram. Facebook has now 2 billion monthly users, Twitter 328 million and Instagram 700 million worldwide users. Mark did pave the way for many new social media networks. He got one brilliant idea that greatly impacted the humanity. However, other social media channels were created only because their CEOs were smart enough to recognize good opportunity at the right time.

Facebook did all of the hard work and now building a social network website from scratch is a lot easier process than before. Nowadays, creating a social media network can be done quick by following certain unwritten rules and regulations. How to build a social media network/community website from scratch? What does this mean from business and development point of view? If you don't want to shoot in a dark and have financial losses you need to identify your community. The process of identification needs to be done in the brainstorming stage. Social network platform is created to meet certain needs of the population. Identifying preferences and dislikes of your community will help you in better understanding the psychological factors that affect them as a consumer and what you can do to get their attention. Sometimes the need for what you are offering won't exist on the market, that's why gathered demographics and psychographics data will give you the power to trigger and create that need.

new social websitesThe definition of the features and functions is tightly related to the quality of the identification of your community. Your community wants and needs will shape and outline the features of developing a social network website. What do you want your users to do? How will you define the privacy of the data? The overall vision of your website is crucial. Macro scan that will break things down into categories such as user functions, administrative functions, and advertising is a must thing to do. Defining the type of data that will circulate, what they can post, how they will register and what automation you should use is only the beginning. There are a lot of things to be considered at this phase. Identifying the features and functions of your social media network will determine the platform and the company where you can create your own network. The biggest issue at this stage is the doubt about what method will be effective and efficient for your social media network.

latest news about social networking sitesEvaluating technology is something that must be done by professionals. Hiring a consultant to help you compare technologies is a great solution. It will save you time and money. If you choose to do it by yourself then you need to prepare list of relevant questions to ask. The questions will allow you to see if their technology and solutions completely support your idea. The last thing you can do is analyze existent social networking platforms and what building technologies they have used. This learning process will help you figure out various issues and opportunities for your social media network. Here's a few other useful tips when choosing which social network is right for you. Once the user-specific features are listed, you must prepare the growth environment. Certain general rules apply for building all web pages and are out of huge importance for your social media networking platform since you are trying to engage users in social activity and keep them longer on your site. There are three must have pillars that you need to incorporate if you want your social media network to be successful and profitable.

Facebook was not familiar with the fact that it will grow to this extent.

• Customer service - Partnering with a hosting company can change your life. They will deal with technical issues and any other issue related to your platform. • Security - Use reliable security systems that will make your users feel like they can do everything on your social media platform without worrying about privacy intrusion and data leaks. • Scalability - When you start building a social network from scratch you have to consider growth. Facebook was not familiar with the fact that it will grow to this extent. Mark was prepared for growth even when he wasn't sure that he will achieve global success. Your social media platform has to be able to expand easily and quickly so it can follow the pace of your growth. What is a social network site without activity stream? Nothing. Nowadays, activity streams are the core of every social media website. Facebook introduced this feature first and since he sets the standards on the market, the concept went mainstream and affected everyone. The fascination people have with their friend's activity is real. We want to know what they are doing, how they are feeling every moment of the day.

Failing to develop quality activity stream can affect the attractiveness of your social media network. This is the focal point and the driving force behind the success of launching a social network. For example, activity feed of Ning allows you to connect your network to Facebook, Twitter or to add RSS feed. Stay always tuned with the comments, likes and shares, which are shown in your news feed. You can make publications in the form of tweet or post, and decide what to show in your activity feed, and who can see your updates. These features let you highly customize your network. Status updates are crucial. Every social media user wants to express their feelings and thoughts freely anytime of the day. You need to design the perfect tools that will make the status updates pleasurable and easy experience. Even though Facebook popularized the activity stream, Twitter made the status update another mainstream aspect of social media sites. Status updates are incredibly addicting.

Social Media News Updates

People are immediately hooked. If this feature is not user-friendly and easy to use they will abandon your social media platform immediately. What can you do to design the perfect status updated tool? It really depends on the values your social media is built. Twitter made an amazing move by limiting status updates to 140 characters. The developers were grateful for that decision. It made their work so much easier. Of course, you have to make sure to add comment adding options on the status updates. In other words, interaction with other users is everything. There are a lot of open-source microblogging platforms you can use for developing quality status update features. If you are using content management system like Joomla, it is easy to make a content type that has a limited number of characters. How to increase the engagement level and clicks on the site? You need to create multiple data viewing features that will increase the visibility of the content on your social media platform. Remember, users will see only what you allow them to see. Do you have enough data viewing options available? Remember when Facebook launched their timeline features?

How fascinated everyone was by the fact that they can access history data so easily, with just one click. Users get excited a lot of social data. The data viewing features must have user - centric design. It must be easy to use and accessible. Everyone has different preferences. Allowing people to access and tailor their experience is a big plus and will keep them coming back again and again to your social network platform. After everything is said and done, in terms of defining the target audience and developing the right features the next step is attracting the right users. There are a lot of tools that will help you create awareness on the market. Facebook was created in a college environment and it was a pioneer in the social media industry. What helped Mark the most is the good old word of mouth. Even though this is a traditional marketing tool is still effective. Before people start talking about your social media they need to be aware of it. Digital marketing has tools to increase awareness.

It has the right set of available options that will help you reach your goals and it's cost effective too. 1. Email Marketing - Do you have an email database? If you don't, you must create one. Lead generation tools are available and can help you down the line. Unbounce in their article offers the right tips and tools that can help in preparing your email base. After you created your relevant database, prepare engaging templates and use them for newsletters. Don't worry if you are not experienced with email marketing. 2. Blogging - Create your own blog where you will discuss your new social media platform. People like to read useful information. Give them that, focus on what they like and give them the titles they are interested in. The best tactic is to contact blogging influencers and make them write a piece for your social media platform on their blog. Neil Patel applied this technique in his early struggling days and he achieved a lot in terms of traffic and engagement later. You can even monetize your writing endeavors.

3. Engage with people - When other portals mention your social media network or write news about you, you need to act immediately. Engage with them. Make a connection. Build a community. Ask them about another piece of content and reply to that story with your own blog. People appreciate engagement and care. 4. Activate paid ads - Google ads can do wonders. Activate multiple paid ads for a certain period of time. Use different wording for each ad and see what works the best. Through testing find out what gives the best result and focus all your marketing budget there. With the numerous available resources today, creating a social media platform is easier than it was in the past. Doing a quality research is a must activity before you start with anything else. The right information can save you time and resources. There are three types of companies that have emerged in the space of white label social networking according to Techcrunch. In their article, they review the best social media building tools and rank them based on quality. Remember to focus on the tools that will benefit your idea the most. Focus on the core values of your social media platform and build it the best you can. Success is inevitable if you plan everything the right wat. Who knows, maybe your idea will change social media forever.

Some of the basic questions about a social network are easy to formulate but difficult to assess. Basically, we would like to know what groups of individuals are unusually closely interconnected with each other, relative to the average for the population as a whole. Here are a few basic questions that we may have about networks of people. Who is connected to whom? Are there a subset of persons who are unusually well connected? Are there sub-groupings of individuals who are more closely connected to each other than they are to others in the network? This is where the mathematics of network graphs comes in. We need to have justifiable procedures for partitioning a network into sub-networks. These procedures need to make sense in terms of the intuition that there are often subgroups of nodes more closely related to each other. The procedures need to be non-arbitrary. They should be robust with respect to where we begin -- it shouldn't matter whether we begin analysis with this node or that node.

And they need to be consistent with the fact that all the nodes are related to everyone else at some degree of separation. Neighborhoods that are entirely detached from the rest of the population are a trivial case; normally network ties extend transitively throughout a whole society. Greek mathematician and social scientist Moses Boudourides is focused on this problem in his current work. Boudourides is deeply sensitive to the sociological importance of the questions, so his work does a great job of bridging the two fields of thought. Some of his current work is available online, and it is very useful for people who want to understand more about the mathematics of social networks. It falls into the field of graph theory in mathematics, and it serves as a good tutorial to current thinking about the mathematics of social networks. Worth reading first is "An Introduction to Community Detection in Graphs" (link).

Here Boudourides offers a clear exposition of the mathematical problem of identifying a set of neighborhoods within a complex graph and lays out three approaches that have been taken. With these tools at hand, he offers a detailed example: analysis of a data set of individuals who participated in peace demonstrations against the war in Iraq and the organizations and issues with which they were associated. Data on these activists are included in the International Peace Protest Survey (IPPS). And the resulting neighborhood maps are fascinating. These presentations show the real power of mathematical network theory, in that they bring out social relationships among individuals within this population of activists that couldn't be discovered otherwise. Boudourides' particular goal here is to demonstrate the difference it makes to incorporate "cultural" affiliations into the structural analysis of the first figure. And this, in turn, appears very relevant when we come to trying to understand their behavior within a complex process of collective action. It allows us to give some rigorous detail to the idea that a social movement has a refined micro-structure underlying its macro-level actions and demands. What is especially useful about these papers is the help they offer us non-specialists in understanding the mathematical techniques on the basis of which we can extract sociologically meaningful information from a network graph. This is a bit analogous to the gain we get from using statistical techniques to analyze and summarize a large data set. The statistical techniques allow us to winnow the data into a few statistical measures. And the techniques of graph theory that Moses Boudourides demonstrates allow a similar analytical power for the task of making sociological sense of a large network of connected individuals. In both cases it is necessary for us to understand the basics of the mathematical techniques if we are to use the tool appropriately.

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Topic title: Interested To Learn More About Social Networking?
Topic covered: corporate social network, seminar on social media, social media marketing blog, social media marketing conference, social media training courses

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